C28: Obstacle #2.1: The Kim Family

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Jennie successfully entered Lisa's room, she thought she could pass as a professional thief and can be casted in Oceans 8 future movie remake

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Jennie successfully entered Lisa's room, she thought she could pass as a professional thief and can be casted in Oceans 8 future movie remake. But little did the sexy cat-eyed know that Mason was awake. He intentionally turned off the TV and living room lights to see what his odd and suspicious daughter was trying to do.

"What are you doing here?" Surprised and confused Lisa asked.

"Well, that's not what I expected to hear for a greeting." Jennie replied as she swiftly slid inside the blanket and snuggled on Lisa's crook of the neck. The hot surgeon was quick to envelop the sexy cat-eyed girl in her arms and placed a kiss on Jennie's forehead. They missed each other so much.

"Did anyone see you?" Concerned hot surgeon asked before adding, "Jennie, I don't want your family to think wrongly of us. I've noticed their suspicious looks. I don't want you to get in trouble and honestly, I want to be your family's favorite. We don't want to leave a bad impression, do you?"

"Are you saying you don't want me here?" The sexy cat-eyed girl's face fell, lips pouting, she felt rejected.

"No, it's not like that. You know that I always want to be with you. But in this situation, if we upset your family, they might force you to leave me and ask you to stop being friends with me. I don't want that to happen. Do you want that to happen?"

"Of course not! And that's not going to happen because I won't let that happen."


"Sorry, but I'm sleeping here tonight. Nobody saw me, and don't worry I'll leave by 5AM. Auntie usually wakes up at 5:30 and dad around 6... It makes me sad that you don't appreciate my effort to come see you and sleep beside you."

"Oh boy! You're guilt tripping me again. Alright, spoiled brat. You can stay, but we need to be very careful. Remember, I want your family to like me."

(Funny how these two dumb doctors sounded like they're hiding a forbidden love when they're not even in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, they're even dumber for not realizing that they're already in an almost relationship – they just need to put a label on it and add more physical intimacy aside from emotional intimacy to make it official.)

"I know, I know... Stop with the worrying. Can we just please enjoy our cuddle time?" The sexy cat-eyed girl displayed her puppy feline eyes.

Jennie just wants to enjoy their time free from stress and worry because since Monday until when they arrived in San Diego earlier, the hot surgeon mostly spent her short free time sleeping and recuperating from her extremely exhausting work schedule and long flight. Although they clinged and slept beside each other, it wasn't the same because they didn't have time to catch-up-before-sleeping – just like they usually do.

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