50% true life events, 50% imagination
Two brokenhearted strangers unexpectedly meet in a foreign country.
Beautiful friendship blossomed and turned into unexpected love.
Two girls are dealing with this terrifying new discovery and territory.
Will th...
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"Waitwaitwaaaiiittt!!! Why are you blindfolding me??? Where are you taking me???"
"We are taking you to your fiancé's big surprise." The head stylist responded, the other two stylists holding Jennie's wrists making sure she won't remove her blindfold.
"Surprise?" ScaredJennie's heartbeat raced to 200bpm, as she feels they are getting in a car – she mentally prays she's not being kidnapped.
Few minutes later, Jennie thought maybe Lisa finally remembered it's her birthday today, and this is her surprise prior to their pre-nuptial photoshoot. The sexy cat-eyed girl's brewing resentment and fear faded away...
"But what could the surprise be?'" The sexy cat-eyed girl internally asked, her heart started to race again, she felt the odd anxiety she experienced the very first time she met the love of her life and forever. _____________________
#1: The Greatest Blessing
"... And Aunt Nancy? I have one more thing to ask..."
"What is it?"
"I want to ask Jennie's hand for marriage. I can't live a day without her. She's my life."
Although Aunt Nancy is still working on fully accepting Jennie being gay, she knows that Lisa loves and respects her niece fiercely and deeply. The eldest Kim can't say no to the right and perfect person for her beloved niece, for Jennie deserves to experience true love and happiness.
"I trust you to love and care for my niece... And my one and only rule will always apply."
"I promise you with all my heart and soul, Aunt Nancy... I cannot and will never hurt the woman who gives me reasons to live... I love Jennie more than myself, more than anything in the world."
"You can have my niece's hand for marriage."
"Thank you... Thank you very much! Aunt Nancy, thank you for loving Jennie and for trusting me. I will never break your trust, I promise." Lisa stood up and enveloped the eldest Kim in a tight embrace, crying out of overwhelming happiness and gratefulness.
#2: Jennie's Sisters
Lisa texted Colleen and Chahee, she informed them of her intention and plan. Although the two girls were just leaving her messages "Seen", the hot surgeon still persisted.
Lisa: Hi Colleen and Chahee, I flew to San Diego to see Aunt Nancy and she was kind enough to listen and forgive me, and gave me her blessing to marry Jennie. I've told you nothing but the truth, and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive and bless me with your approval, too. I love Jennie, you just don't know how much. I'm willing to sacrifice everything and die for her.