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Anticipation was broken like a curse as the cold swelled around them in drifts of harsh air. Eyes widened in surprise but mainly skepticism. This was all too easy and now as Carlisle watched the guards ebony robes drift along the snow under their feet, he felt there was something lying beneath the surface ready to explode.

The sky drifted in painted clouds as the guard mulled to one another. So many witnesses that both sides had dragged from corners of the globe. Their faces were impassive as though scared to say or do the wrong thing. They nodded towards Aro in subtle charm as the leader observed his previous pray.

Carlisle didn't dare look around at his family, he didn't dare take his eyes off Aro. Once a man he felt he could understand and place trust into, now a careless face only surrounded in villainy of his own story. Aro looked back with a curious expression in his eyes, was that sympathy? When he was giving them freedom?

Twitches of movement brushed against the snow under their feet and Carlisle knew people were looking to him for guidance. He who had pulled everyone together through rubble and ruin. So determined to keep in place what he knew to be already falling apart. His family looked for aid that he was unsure how to give.

Even now, he could feel the soft thrums of Bella's shield around them. She shared the same worry as him, that the Volturi were trying to catch them off guard before they struck again. The venom in each of their scarlet eyes reminded Carlisle of things he wished to forget. Still they were safe, wrapped in this thin layer of invisible protection.

Carlisle watched as Aro spoke to those around him in such a soft whisper that none of the others could hope to hear. It was extraordinary how he managed this even under the perfectly crafted art of vampire hearing. His lips barely moved as he spoke words to the two in the darkest robes beside him.

Throughout the endurance of what Carlisle had believed might be the end of something if not everything, he'd been trying very hard not to look at Caius. Yet now he could feel eyes burning into his skull, see the glimmer of blonde hair under the dazzling morning sun.

He moved his gaze, not breaking his expression even for a second. Caius always looked regal. Shoulder length hair of ice blonde tucked behind his ears and red eyes that seemed darker than those around him. Everything about him screamed of elegance from the shape of his face to the curve of his eyes, his nose. Carlisle tried very hard not to break but memories hit like knives against his mind.

Maybe if he'd noticed the dark velvet shine of grace or the amble skin of snow. Carlisle suddenly felt as though he couldn't compete, not that he'd tried. When he stood there so spotless with the power to aid broken minds. What could Carlisle offer now? Yet he still saw her, in his minds eye when his heart burnt with glorious desire. She was not there but he felt her and maybe Caius did too. There was still so much he didn't understand.

Yet as Carlisle watched the blonde vampire he saw anger like he'd never seen before. His irises flashed in scarlet under the glowing sun as he listened to whatever Aro had to say. It was clear that out of all members of the volturi, he'd wanted to see carnage lying over the soft snow. He'd wanted fire and ash, burning venom and chaos. Of course he had, Caius had always wanted to end the Cullens.

He snapped something to Aro under his breath but the darker haired vampire simply shook his head. Now that Carlisle's eyes had landed on Caius he felt he couldn't tear them away. He just saw that dark room all over again with the burning torches and the two figures standing dead centre dressed in shadows and adorned in firelight.

Aro spoke a final statement and Carlisle watched as many members of their guard started to walk away. Their faces turned with very little consideration as they held arms with one another and started to pace back towards the trees. Even then, there was no sigh of relief. Carlisle watched the dark and venomous eyes of Caius and felt he would never leave in silence.

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