( emmett's letter )

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Dear Emmett

Emmett. For years you have made me laugh, smile in a continuous way that no one else has. What you bring to this family is not only irreplaceable but also definitely needed. With all the darkness and the tribulation I constantly held fear we would never make it to a place of peace but you were a break in those times reminding me to see the light in darkness. You're a ray of joy and I think you're simply wonderful.

You welcomed me into your family despite everything, you loved me despite everything. I couldn't be prouder of you, for the way you never show your fear even though I know you feel it. Emmett I understand you try to be strong for the others but it's ok to be upset, to feel small, to hide from things that threaten you. It's ok to not be the shoulder to cry on every time.

I imagine this has all come as a shock, as a burden. I know that I will miss you terribly and I know you will miss me too. I know you don't show your emotions in the way others do, I know you hide them until it hurts you. Emmett I understand this is hard and you're probably still hiding in optimism. You're like your father in that way.

Despite everything I hope you find a way to smile. It hurts knowing I won't see your smile again, hear your laugh. You lifted me up in some of my darkest times and I owe you many of my smiles. Whatever you feel, whenever you hurt know that I'm still watching over you, I'm still waiting to see that smile again, to hear that laugh. You'll reach me again Emmett, I know you will.

Never change Emmett because if you did the world would lose it's shine. I know you don't want an apology for what has happened because you don't blame me for a single thing but I am sorry Emmett. When granted a place in your family and your love I would've stayed forever if given the chance. Eternity looks over some, I know it doesn't seem fair and I know right now you probably can't find comfort in these words but one day I hope you look at the stars and feel a sense of happiness at memories rather than despair.

I love you endlessly, Este.

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