(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧) tales of pain

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CARLISLE FELL TO HIS KNEES WHEN FELIX RELEASED HIM. He fell silent which was possibly worse than a pained scream because the essence of it all was deadly. His face was screwed up in pain as a vindictive smile spread over Aro's face.

Este didn't waste any time in running to him, she threw herself across the floor and landed in front of him with hurried breathing.

"Carlisle?" Este placed her hands on the sides of his face, he didn't open his eyes he simply leant towards her. His breathing was shallow, his shoulders shaking yet the only sounds he made were very quiet, small murmurs that only Este could hear.

"Stop it!" She screamed first to Jane who stood like an omen of evil in the corner of the dark room. There was a pleasant smile on her face, something sadistic.

Este turned and stared at Aro, expecting something similar. Yet his face was contort into anger that Este had never seen before. His scarlet eyes had never before stood out so harsh against his skin as he leant forwards in his chair.

"Stop it!" Este screamed again, "please, please don't do this, please"

"After everything!" Aro yelled, he got to his feet in a flurry, grabbing the top of the throne and throwing it against the stone wall with a horrible clatter. "After everything I did for you! I welcomed you in with open arms!"

"Aro please" Este turned back to Carlisle who was shuddering against her grip. She pulled him forwards, holding him against her chest as the shaken breaths escaped his lungs.

"Yet, Carlisle" Aro walked over the hall, "you turn around and use your malice to spite me? Me? You think you can come in here and take everything I have!"

Este grabbed hold of Carlisle's jumper, pressing her lips into his head as though hoping she could pull the pain right from him. Something must've spiked in him as he started to wince louder, reaching out and trying to find something to hold. Este grabbed his hand immediately.

"Aro stop it!" Este cried, "please... it's ok, Carlisle it's ok... it's ok"

"You've made a terrible mistake!" Aro continued to yell, "you think I'm the kind of person you can put an end to... you have no idea!"

Carlisle shouted out very loud and Este turned to see Jane raising a hand into the air, her brow furrowed. She could feel Carlisle's grip on her hand so tight so swore that it could shatter. She pushed him back, watching him land on the stone without opening his eyes before she ran at Jane. There was no other option.

She heard Carlisle gasp out as Jane collided with the floor. Este knew what was coming but she took it anyway. The pain she'd been experiencing with Caius prepared her and suddenly, Este didn't feel as though she should fear the girl anymore. She placed both her hands on her throat, pressing harder and harder until the stone started to crack.

Este placed more force into the hold until the girls eyes widened in her sockets. Behind her she heard a strangled cry, something forged from anger and despair. She felt she was ahead of everything because when Aro grabbed the back of her dress and flung her towards the wall, Este had yet again been expecting it. Even stone as strong as that of the walls of the Volturi's cavern broke under the force in which she hit it. Este's spine hit off the floor before she pulled herself to her feet.

Aro leant over Jane, his anger seemingly gone as he ran a weathered hand over her blonde hair. The girl seemed ready to cry as she turned and stared at Este in surprise. Carlisle was lying very still on the stone, rested on his shoulder as his eyes started to open. His gaze sought for Estella and as he noticed her, she was already running over.

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