(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧) new york city

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THE UNITED STATES CONGREGATION OF VAMPIRES had been established five centuries after the Volturi which was why it's power never matched to the tyrannical and threatening stretches of the Italian counterparts. However travelling over fifty states with declarations and regulations they were well known, well gifted and also a lot more accommodating than dark stone walls and velvet thrones.

Jasper and Emmett weren't skeptical when they landed in New York under the purpose of bringing together their plan for good. Neither had visited their US government before but it was hardly as intimidating as travelling all the way to Volterra. The brothers kept calm and remembered exactly why they were there and what it would mean to gain such an audience.

The last time Jasper had been in New York, it had been wildly different. He stared at the glass skyscrapers that stretched all the way up the the clouded sky. Bright lights flashes advertisements for greased up pizza and some new tv show. There were fast food joints every two seconds with competitive headlines. Yellow taxi's knocked puddles onto their ankles.

Emmett led the way because people were more likely to move aside for him. Jasper fell behind, framed by the large muscles of his brother as he stared in curiosity into every window, at every dog held in arms to avoid being trampled. People ran across roads under glows of traffic lights and argued loudly in thick accents as they dodged payments and tripped over the growing homeless population.

They walked for a while around tourists wearing caps, carrying maps and starting to panic about what street they were on. There was nothing natural about it and the state was weirdly different from Washington. They were in New York City, centre of the busy state. Everything around them was technologically advanced and flashing in bright colours. No one cared about the stability of others as they drove bikes on two wheels and sang into microphones on city corners while being buffeted out the room for those late for work in tight ties and leather briefcases.

Jasper was intrigued by the goings on, he watched in awe under the heavy office buildings and the large curved McDonald's sign. The states that the Cullens chose were all pine trees and large lakes. They liked the comfort of something green and the close proximity to nature. After all, such a populated place would not ensure their safety.

In those moments walking through the crowds, Jasper was forced to hold his breath. His mind fuzzed with all the goings on and he knew how noticeable he was in that moment. He felt watched. Jasper saw women glance him up and down, a few men too. He stared at them in surprise before he hurried after Emmett, long strides with his hands deep in the pockets of his pants.

After half an hour of Emmett basically touring the city with his directions, they landed at a large office building. It was inhabited by humans who walked around with their button ups and glasses. Each one of them had their own job to do and the entrance floor had desks with clicking keys and a woman who had so many plants on her desk it was starting to look like a jungle.

"Do we have to sign in or something?" Jasper asked Emmett as his brother rounded a corner and headed towards an elevator.

"No just act like you know where you're going" Emmett stated as they paced over the shining floors past people who gave their pale complexions strange glances.

They reached a heavy elevator at the end, metal doors clamped shut. Emmett pressed the down button on the side as he patiently waited for the doors to open. He glanced at his watch, Jasper saw he was wearing the Rolex Rosalie had bought him for their previous anniversary.

The doors opened and the lift was huge. No one was inside as the two brothers entered and Jasper looked gingerly over the large mirrors and silver floors. Emmett pressed a very small button under all the others that looked as though it could've been a screw rather than a floor. Jasper watched as the screen flickered before the word password arrived.

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