(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞) the unseen anger

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"I THINK YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT" Carlisle stated as soon as Este shut the door. It was strange how they believed themselves untouchable as soon as the heavy mahogany wood clashed with the iron hinges. Yet it did seem as though within their room, the Volturi would not bother them.

"It does often happen" Este sighed, "you thought about it then? If our American government knew that Aro was responsible for the death of someone who had once sat in their halls... everything they have here would fall apart"

"It makes sense" Carlisle sighed, he paced around as Este took her seat on the velvet sofa. "I'm starting to trust the Volturi less and less, I know nothing about them at the end of the day despite the time we spend together and I have no idea what Aro is capable of but... he never liked Didyme"

"What was she like?" Este asked softly.

"Oh she was lovely" Carlisle smiled at the memory, "really down to earth, very different from the others here and I suspect that is why Marcus loved her so much. She was a genuine version of Aro, no gift but a certain essence that carried her through life. I was astounded that anyone would want to murder her until I found out what had been going on, of course I suspect everyone might've been wrong but it just made sense"

"So, her and Aro?" Este continued to question.

"Aro was jealous of her" Carlisle pondered, "I suppose he always wanted some respect from our government yet it was stolen by his unskilled sister. Didyme didn't like Aro, she resented him because he turned her"

"He did?" Este gasped lightly.

"You didn't know this?" Carlisle murmured, still pacing. "Aro was turned... centuries ago, more than a thousand years. He didn't want to be alone so he murdered his sister to be with him. There was always a strange belief that Aro loved Didyme a little more than he should but I suppose centuries ago incest was quite common"

"Lovely" Este frowned, "really nice Carlisle, before your time I expect"

"No probably not" Carlisle sat down on the sofa, "but I had no siblings"

"That must've been so unfortunate for you" Este stated in sarcasm, "back to the point. If Didyme really hated Aro for what he did to her, why would she stay with him? I know I wouldn't"

"She was new to this world and had nowhere else to go, I expect she felt trapped. Fed lies about the world from her brother. As soon as she got the opportunity to leave in the 1600s, she did. That was early on, may have even been the late sixteenth century but by the time I joined she had returned"

"So she went from sitting at the presidents side, away from her brother... everything she could've possibly wanted but she came back"

"She fell in love" Carlisle stated simply, "we know more than most what that can do to a person"

"I suppose you're right" Este nodded, "with the jealously and then the anger for Didyme taking Marcus from Volterra... it would make sense that he would snap"

"Aro has a habit of hiding his anger" Carlisle spoke quietly, "yet I've seen it, a number of times when he thinks no one's watching. He even started to become more openly himself towards me back when I lived here and I suspect you would've encountered the same evolution. It's... dark"

"His anger?"

"It's the only way I can see to describe it" Carlisle pondered, "when you're faced with someone who appears so calm for such a long period of time it becomes more shocking when that demeanour breaks and you realise that you were wrong about them... Aro is one of those people"

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