(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞) the technical prisoner

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THE VERY IDEA OF CARLISLE STAYING with Estella made her feel better about the situation. Although she'd strayed away from his touch, his glimpses and his love for obvious and plausible reasons it didn't mean she didn't burn for his presence in her life. Este fell crazily and utterly in love with him within every second of her life. Her very narrative wrapped around him like ropes, never letting him go.

They stayed in the small candlelit room for a further flurry of hours where they talked about anything they felt like. Este wanted to know everything that was going on back at home in such detail that when she closed her eyes she could almost feel as though she was walking around the draughty corridors of her home living it with them.

Carlisle told her pretty much everything even though life hadn't exactly been the easiest without Este there. The children were more lonely without her constant presence. The walls of the home didn't exactly feel the same and there were certain aspects of their days that were lodged out of place such as Jasper's chess games or Rosalie's rants about sitcoms.

However there had been good points too. First was Bella being an official part of the Cullen family. Despite Este's previous aversions to this idea and the effort she'd placed into finding another solution, she was happy. It didn't seem so bad anymore in the grand scheme of things. It was comfortable, suitable. Este could imagine Bella now, crimson eyes and porcelain skin. The beauty would seep out of every pore.

With their words surrounding them, Este rested on Carlisles chest with his arms wrapped around her, she forgot about the Volturi. It was strange considering they were contained by the halls and if they listened close enough they could hear the whispers in shadows and see the distinguished taste dripping from the walls but as long as Este could feel Carlisle, see him, feel him none of that really mattered.

Not until the following day that was. Este supposed she couldn't ignore them forever. It would be nice to sit around on the lavish sofas layered in ebony with lips entwined and hands linked. Este could've rested all day staring at how the candlelight mirrored in perfect flickers behind the darkness of Carlisle's eyes.

However they weren't in Volterra for the purpose of each others company, they could've found that anywhere. Therefore when they were assured that the party was long finished and the city of Volterra had been plunged into darkness again, Carlisle and Este knew that it was time to fall back into reality.

"What are you going to say to them?" Este murmured into the skin on Carlisle's neck.

"I don't think there is much to say" Carlisle stated casually, "I'll let them know of my intentions to stay, maybe I mention that I don't trust them in the slightest"

"I wouldn't say that" Este frowned, holding herself up on her forearms to stare down at him, her hair tickling the side of her face.

"It's true" Carlisle whispered with a small smile.

"Yes I know it's true but I wouldn't say it" Este couldn't stop her own smile escaping her expression, "Aro would allow you to stay either way, he's rather fond of you"

"I'm unsure why" Carlisle laughed under his breath, "I was under the impression that his favour for me might have died off by now but I suppose it works for us. How exactly are they helping you?"

"I don't know the details of it" Este shrugged, sitting up now and rearranging her dress over her shoulders, "Caius stands for hours, he says he's untangling the darkness from my brain but he doesn't know how to remove it"

"Untangling?" Carlisle pondered the words quietly.

"Yes... because it's wrapped around my mind" Este replied, "and then he feeds back to Aro and Marcus about what he's discovered. I'm rarely involved on these meetings but Caius keeps me up to date"

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