(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧) the tragedy of marcus and didyme

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I fear that our plan has failed. I was more than ready to spend the rest of my life with you. From the beginning, the moment I saw you I knew where my life was supposed to start. Where I was supposed to be.

You have fought so hard to get me out of here, these walls. Alas, I hide in our room under the impression that it may be the final time I lay here, that I have already seen you for the last time. When Aro sent you away, I had my suspicions. So fast you were gone before we even had time to discuss it and then I saw the malice in the eyes of my brother.

Of course it has always been there from the very beginning and Marcus, I'm starting to think I never should have come back. We should've run away from the beginning, the day I left the states. Then we could have succeeded in our time together. I know we would've lived an excellent life, full of prosper.

However Aro has always been jealous of me, I don't understand it myself. When he has this gift, this life, this success. Yet he fears only what he does not possess. He also fears that he cannot control you anymore.

I don't know how he found out about our plan, we mustn't have been careful enough. These hallways are not always as secure as we believe them to be. Aro has eyes everywhere it seems. The guard, the wives. Maybe even the feast. I didn't realise how prominent he was, how selfish he has grown to be. I don't remember loving my brother, in the end I will only remember loving you.

Marcus I pray upon every star that you find this letter, I have hidden it somewhere I hope Aro will never look and that way you can know exactly the kind of person you sit beside. I know what is coming for me Marcus, I can see it in the world around me, feel it in the air. Aro will not let us live in happiness together and therefore he will have me burn to see his own success.

If I had only thought deeper about my brothers problems, about how far he would go to find the truth then maybe all of this could have been avoided. I will not pretend that I am not scared, I sit now trembling as I write these words. I don't wish the end and I long to see you one more time. I also fear for you, of what you will become without me.

Marcus if you find this letter, which I pray you will. I want you to finish him. I want you to tear everything he stands upon apart. Aro does not deserve his power, he never did. He deserves to have it taken from him. I don't respect my brother anymore and with my connection to our president, to America, this should be enough to see an end put to it for good. See it is done Marcus, it is my final wish.

For all other words I failed to say, I want you to know that I love you eternally. I would have followed you to the end Marcus and one day, I believe that we will have our time together.

All my love,
Your Didyme

ESTE READ THE WORDS THREE TIMES before it all sank in. She'd been right, somehow this hadn't processed in her mind even when she believed her theory made perfect sense. Her hands lay steady on the sides of the yellowing paper. The words were a frail brown, scratchy in faded ink.

She read it a fourth time, Este didn't really know why. Maybe she simply wanted to ensure that she had read everything exactly right from the sloping capital letters to the prominent full stop at the end, her eyes traced over meanings she hadn't realised before.

Didyme had seen it coming and Aro had planned meticulously as though he'd been aware that she would. He'd sent Marcus away, he wanted everything done right. In the end she had sat in her room waiting for the finish. Scared and alone. Este had never known this women, she'd simply seen a painting lit by candles yet she felt a burning sympathy inside of her.

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