(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞) the lost woman

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A WEEK LATER THE CULLENS WALKED BACK INTO NYC. The family of six drew stares from down the street with their almost breathtaking beauty. They very rarely went to such a busy place, especially as a collective. Emmett led the way again, his hand holding Rosalie's. Edward and Carlisle walked behind them while Alice danced at the back, holding onto Jasper's hand as she twirled almost solemnly, nothing like her previous bright eyed self.

The way was easy having been once already. Emmett guided them to the elevator with more stares than they'd received previously. Everyone turned to watch them as the six paced across the perfectly clean floor. Rosalie, Jasper and Carlisle with their golden hair, the sea of pale skin and Alice trailing behind them with a strangely ethereal presence around her.

However they all managed to squeeze inside the lift without too much trouble, shoulders pressed together as Emmett nudged in the password and sent the elevator moving towards the floor.

Silence collected around them like dust, this wasn't a surprise considering the entire flight and the journey there had been exceedingly quiet. No one wanted to say anything because they didn't want to be the first. With the plan now in action, anticipation spiralled them and the family didn't need words to communicate how well they needed this to go.

As the doors dragged open, Carlisle was the first to see that they were waiting for them, four glamours figures standing with their hands clasped in perfectly poised patience. At the centre was the president, red hair pulled into a ponytail and her skin glistening in the lights that they'd set up. Beside her stood the shorter Jasmine with her curly hair and today her maroon suit. Then there was Killian in his more relaxed jumper, Julian in his crisp white shirt.

"We are very grateful you came" Alexandra smiled at them generously as she held out her hand to Carlisle, "you must be Carlisle"

"I am" he nodded, shaking her hand politely, "it's a pleasure to meet you and we should be the the ones expressing gratitude for your willingness to help us here"

"Nonsense" Alex smiled gently, "you are giving us opportunity to destroy the Volturi, something we have been working towards for years... please take a seat"

They'd laid out enough chairs for all the family that day. Alice, Emmett and Jasper took the sofa while Carlisle and Rosalie sat on two arm chairs. Edward stood to be awkward, holding onto the back of the sofa with a strangely closed look in his eyes. It was clear he was reading the minds of those set in front of him.

"I'm hoping you come with a letter?" Alexandra asked as she crossed her legs and looked to Carlisle hopefully.

"I don't come empty handed" Carlisle reached into his pocket and drew out the envelope that had now been opened and read so many times that it was slightly crumpled. Carlisle passed the letter to Alex who opened it between her hands and glanced over the words before she started to read them aloud for the purpose of the other three members of her parliament. They listened closely to the words that Carlisle had memorised at this point.

"For all other words I failed to say" Alexandra sighed as she came to the end, "I want you to know that I love you eternally. I would have followed you to the end Marcus and one day, I believe that we will have our time together"

"All my love, Your Didyme" Alex finished before she folded up the letter and placed it back inside of the envelope, "this is perfect... all we need. The vote was concluded yesterday and as I said we have all the support we need to go through with this"

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