( rosalie's letter )

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To my daughter

From the beginning I knew you saw behind everything I believed I was. I found comfort in our similarities and friendship in our absence. Everything about you seeks to delight those you come into contact with. I am blessed with the knowledge that I knew you, I loved you, I saw you.

Rosalie you are a dream to be around and I hope you never forget how much you are needed and appreciated in this world. From the beginning I wished I could bring you peace, clarity. In times divided I knew we stood together. To go against you was to go to war with myself. You are a large part of who I have become from your guided pessimism to the opinions that forged the strong admiration we share. Maybe we were wrong at times, at least we did that together too.

I know in this life you feel lost, sometimes a stranger to the way we walk through this world. Rosalie I wish there was some way for you to live the life that you deserve. You would've been the best mother and I would've stood by you in every step of this world. I know you feel alone, I know a lot of the time you look to your family for comfort and find only loss.

Rosalie I know that our similarities, the way that our minds work drew us together and I know that you were grateful for my inclusion in your life. We are the same, you and I. We see things the same because of what we have been through and where you wished you'd been lain to rest, I do too. We also understand the realisation of something better of life becoming good. I am forever fortunate that I got to share that journey with you.

I want you to know that whatever you may feel now that I am gone and no matter how isolated you find yourself becoming that just because I can no longer listen to your problems and attempt to gift you solace in ideas to solve them, I am still always there for you. Whatever you find you may need, whenever you feel sad and alone, I wish for you to know that I am right beside you.

If you ever want to talk, whether this be to complain about the way you feel or discuss the way your heart yearns for something more. If you want to update me on the times you felt happy, accomplished in this life. Even if you want to fill my in on all those sitcoms you watch, I'll be listening. Talk to the stars Rose, I'll be waiting in avid anticipation just to hear you talk to me again.

I love you under every star,

Este, forever your mother.

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