(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨) one of them

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EVERYWHERE WITHIN THE WALLS OF VOLTERRA was lost within another century. Felix left Estella by a grand mahogany door which opened into a large room. It was windowless but covered in art which hid the cracks in the stone. The ceiling was tall and painted with angels and clouds, royal colours of scarlet and purple. There was no bed, vampires didn't need them. Estella noted the long sofa, curled in elegance and the round golden mirror. There was a wardrobe that stood taller than her and a rug that looked like real bear skin, it probably was. It was lit by a chandelier but candles filled the golden slots, wax dripping in pools around their holders. Este wondered whether they understood technology.

She sat on the sofa and looked at the books, none of them looked like things that she'd have any interest in. Este imagined Carlisle was sat next to her, running his hand up her arm and whispering words of comfort in her ear. It had only been a few days but she missed him terribly. It burnt in her heart when she imagined his eyes, his hands, his smile.

Estella had been picturing him perfectly in her mind when the door opened again. Whoever it was thought better of bursting in and knocked gently before their figure was revealed.

"Yes?" Estella asked politely.

Este had expected the return of Felix to let her know what would happen next. She wasn't sure what happened in Volterra. It seemed rather boring in comparison to her own life. She could read books but not enjoy them. However it was not Felix who pushed the door open but the leaner frame of Caius.

She sat up immediately, staring at the cold glance of his eyes. Este had never liked Caius from the moment he'd given her some haughty scoff and an eye roll. He was often immature, ironic considering how ancient he was and it was progressively clear with every meeting they shared that he hated Este. Well that was until today. Something had changed, he'd never willingly talked with her before never mind offer to help her. Something was wrong.

"What do you want?" Este asked harshly.

"Touchy" Caius raised his eyebrows, "I am the one offering to help your mind, am I not?"

"You have some kind of ulterior motive don't you?" Este leant forwards, hands clasped. "What is it? You'd never willingly help me, has Aro let you lead the volturi or something?" 

"Is it so hard to believe that I might actually just want to help?" He asked lazily.

"Yes, impossible" Este said snappishly.

"I really have created an odd impression" Caius stood stationary by the door. He was so un casual that it was humours. Instead of leaning on the door frame or messing with his hands he just stood there looking at her. Este forgot that these vampires never needed to act human, they were never really seen by alternate kinds. Caius barely even breathed.

"You're surprised I don't trust you?" Este asked lightly, "you've made it very plain before that you hate me, that you've always hated me, I haven't necessarily understood this—"

"Really?" Caius frowned, "I would think it was obvious, you've time and time again managed to convince Aro to—"

"To not cause chaos" Este interrupted, "it's not your job to make trouble Caius, your job is to solve it. I'm so sorry for making Aro realise that"

"Aro has gone soft" Caius swept into the room, his robes trailing behind him. While Aro posed to dress in a tailored suit, Caius still donned an ebony cape. It was all very ridiculous, it was clear he placed himself above pretty much everybody.

"Aro has values" Este replied as she watched Caius shut the door, "conscience, what are you doing here Caius?"

"I make you uncomfortable" Caius mused.

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