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{ In this story, Eddie and Steve are both seniors. And Mike + his friends are all Freshmen }

{I'm just going to describe more main characters in the story, plus original characters i've added. not too much of the background characters are mentioned here but i can totally explain them if needed in the future}

{The art used in the chapters are NOT mine, but they are all done by fantastic artists}

EDDIE - A helpless romantic who is insanely obsessed with the one and only Steve Harrington. Eddie is extremely outgoing, and is a one of a kind soul.

STEVE - A fool who is nothing but sweet. He is still confused about being a newly Bisexual, but he knows for sure that he likes Eddie. And that's all that mattered to him.

AMBER - Eddie's younger sister who is 5 years old. She is obsessed with her best friend Max, she loves hanging out at the park and is an insanely happy kid.

MAX - Steve's younger brother who is also 5 years old. He is obsessed with his best friend Amber. The two kids became close with how often Steve + Eddie hung out together. Max is a quieter kid, but is insanely polite.

WAYNE - Eddie's uncle. He works night shifts so isn't seen often. But when he is around he is a cranky older man, he is insanely nice and accepting though. Even if he does seem a little mean sometimes. He fought for the custody of Amber and Eddie, and is now their legal guardian.

NANCY - Steve's old friend, she is more of a jealous person, and doesn't think before she performs many actions. Though, she is a nerd and loves the simple things in life. Like watching a movie or hanging out with people she cares about. Even Mike, sometimes.

BILLY - A senior at the high school. He is actually a really nice guy, though he doesn't realize that some things he says actually come off as very rude or inconsiderate. But he tries his best to be the best he can. He used to be really rude, but had a change of heart.

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