'Eddie my love'

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Steve ran beside the hospital bed as Eddie was getting pushed on it to one of the hospital rooms.

Mike and Dustin ran behind the bed, staring at Steve. Steve was directly focused on Eddie though, he was still awake, thankfully. He had a hand on Steve's hand, smiling at him.

"You look so concerned.." Eddie said quietly, coughing after he spoke.

"Obviously i'm concerned, you look like shit right now." Steve squeezed Eddie's hand.

"I'll- be fine my love." Eddie coughed again, the doctors turned a corner.

One of the doctors stopped Steve from following.
"You can't pass beyond this point. But don't worry, We're pretty sure.. that Edward will be fine."

"You better be more then 'pretty sure,' that is a god damn fantastic man you have to help in there."

Steve bit his lip, turning to Dustin and Mike. "He better be fucking okay we need our campaign leader." Mike said as he shook his head.

"Shut the fuck up we just need him to be fine." Dustin walked closer to Steve, patting his shoulder.

"He'll be fine man, if not then. Hey you have Nancy." Dustin joked around, trying to lighten the mood. "Dude you're such a dick sometimes."
Steve shoved Dustin's arm off of him, then walked over to the front desk.

"Could I use the phone- thank you." He walked over to the phone on the wall, dialling in the number to his house. Immediately someone picked up the line, "Hello?-" Steve said into the phone.

Quickly he held the phone away from his ear; from how loud his dad was yelling into the phone. "Look Dad, I swear the only reason I skipped was because-" Steve thought for a moment. "I had to do something with.. Nancy."
He lied. His dad went quiet on the other end.

"Oh, With Nancy Huh?" His dad said, thinking about his next choices of words to say to Steve.

"...Okay, then. But you should let us know next time. But make sure you're home by at least 6 tonight." His dad said to him.

Steve exhaled then hung up the phone, looking up at the front desk once again. Wayne stood there hand in hand with Amber, she was reaching looking up at the counter. Steve ran over to them and briefly explained what had happened to Wayne.

Steve picked up Amber, holding her on his hip. "Eddie will be fine, the doctors said it wasn't too serious. Besides some internal bleeding.." Wayne exhaled, placing a hand on Steve's arm.

"Thank god that he will be alright at least.. Thank you for helping him Steve, and being there for him." Wayne walked over to a chair, and sat down so he could catch his breath.

A few minutes pass by.

Steve walked around the lobby, bouncing Amber around in his arms. "Why are we here." She stared at Steve.

"Well- Your brother is getting some doctor check ups right now. But he will be okay don't worry dear." Steve said softly to her, she simply nodded.

"I'm hungry." She moved on subjects quickly.

"Why don't you go with Dustin over there, and take the money in his pocket. He can buy you a snack!" Steve said in a happy talking to kids voice, as he put Amber down on the ground again. She ran over to Dustin and dug her hand into his pocket. "Dude what-" Dustin stared at her, and she ran over to a vending machine; Dustin chasing after her.

Steve got up and turned around to see the doctor standing there. "Mr. Munson?" Wayne ran over and stood beside Steve. "And what's your relation to the patient sir?" The doctor said to Steve.

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