Its quiet without you.

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((cw - light smut ))

It was 8 AM on Sunday.

Steve had fallen asleep so early last night. But it was good to get his mind to stop thinking about everything. He sat up, and scratched his bare chest. Max ran into his room, "Papa and Mom are supposed to be home today for a few days!"
He shouted, jumping and sitting onto Steve's lap.

"Oh are they? What day of the week is it.." He said in a raspy tired voice, holding Max as he stood up.

"Sunday Steve! And and, Amber is coming over today when she gets back from fishy trip!" He said excitedly.

Steve placed Max back on the ground. "Ambers coming over?" He said intrigued.

"Is Eddie dropping her off?"

"Yes he is, and can you take the cookies that the cook made out of the oven. Pleaseeeee!?" Max crossed his arms, and stomped down one of his feet.

Steve crouched down to his height. "Fine. I'll do it in a i'm gonna shower." Steve patted Max's head before he got up and left the room. He really felt a need for showering, he felt all gross and there was dry blood all over his face.

He entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He took off his pj pants, and turned on the shower. He stepped in, soaking up the feeling of the water hitting against his body. He ran his hands through his hair, pouring shampoo onto his head and cleaning his hair.

He winced as he ran his hand along his face- The cuts burned as soap dripped down onto his face. He rinsed it off quickly.

He heard a pounding at the bathroom door, "STEVEEE THE COOKIES!" Max shouted into the door. Steve panicked, shutting off the shower fast. Steve wrapped a towel around his waist. He ran down the stairs in his towel, and turned off the oven.

His hair was dripping water everywhere, the water ran down his chest. He grabbed an oven mitt and opened up the oven. He pulled out the steaming hot cookies and threw them down on the counter.

Steve looked up to see Eddie and Amber standing there, staring at him. He stared at Eddie. "O-Oh Hi- Eddie." He cleared his throat, closing the oven and taking off the oven mitt.

There was still soap in his hair, since he had to rush out the shower; he wasn't even done in there yet. "I'm just here to drop off Amber," Eddie stared at Steve's chest, then at his eyes.

"Of course yeah- Um. I'm going to hop back in the shower. Help yourself to a cookie." Steve ran past them and up the stairs. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Eddie was here.

He turned the hot shower back on, dropping his towel and getting back in the shower. He pulled the curtain closed.

Eddie stood in the middle of Steve's kitchen, he awkwardly shifted over towards the tray of cookies. He took two, handing one to Amber before she ran off to go play with Max in the basement of the house.

Should he- leave? He looked up the stairs; eyeing Steve's bathroom door. He bit his lip, slowly walking up the stairs; the cookie resting in his mouth. He ate it as he slowly walked up the stairs.

He missed Steve so bad, nothing else mattered in that moment. All he could think about was Steve.

Eddie licked off his lips, then opened the bathroom door. He saw Steve's shadow through the bathroom curtain. Quietly, he shut the door behind him.

Eddie slipped off his clothes, silently opening the curtain to the shower. Steve stared at Eddie, looking him up and down. "Why are you in my shower Munson.. And aren't we like, not together anymore."

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