Honey we're home!

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Steve Harrington parked his car in the driveway of their house.

For once, there was another set of cars in the garage. It hasn't been like that for a while. He stepped out of his car, swinging his keys around in his right hand. He unlocked the front door and walked in. For once there was other pairs of shoes on the rack, besides his and Max's.

He shut the door behind himself. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious for seeing them. His dad was who he feared the most, his father always expected him to be the best he possibly could be. He wasn't sure he lived up to that expectation.

Max ran all the way down the stairs, and tugged on Steve's shirt. Steve crouched down to his level of height, listening as Max said quietly. "They are acting so weird-" Steve raised an eyebrow, picking up Max and holding him on his hip as he walked into the kitchen. Then into the dining room.

His mother sat at the table, she had dark brown hair that was naturally curled and sat on her shoulders nicely. She had a set of pearls around her neck, and the accents of gold jewelry all over her hands and wrists. She was wearing a maroon coloured dress. Steve's mothers name was Anne.

    Anne held a cup of tea in her hand, as she gazed down at a book she had. "Steve?" She looked up, and gave a big smile to him.

She stood up, and ran over to the two boys. She wrapped her arms around Steve and Max, hugging them tightly. Steve placed an arm on her back. It was nice to have them home but, he knew it wouldn't last very long.

  Suddenly his dad walked into the dining room as well. He wore a tight white shirt, with a grey fitted vest on top of it. He wore black dress pants. Steve's dads name was Phillip. Phillip had lighter brown hair, almost a dark blonde actually. He stood there for a few moments, clearing his throat.

Anne let go of Steve and turned around, smiling at her husband. "Honey we should stay a little longer this time, I miss these boys.. And look at Steve, he's so grown up." She looked at Steve again, pinching at his cheek a bit.

"Dear, You know we can't do that." He walked over to the three of them, and held a hand out to Steve. Steve put Max down on the ground, then shook his fathers hand.

They were always more formal with each other. Anne clicked her tongue, shaking her head as she picked up Max.

"Why don't we go for dinner? That would be nice as a family now wouldn't it darling?" Anne asked Steve.

"Oh- And would you want to bring along a friend? Or, a girlfriend... or a partner, That you probably have. I mean look at you you're bound to have one." She hinted a bit, then poked at him.

Phillip stared at Steve sternly, he noticed that Steve had hickeys along his neck.

"No- No girlfriend right now.." Steve said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey.. Don't be ashamed son, you can bring along that Wheeler girl! Nancy? You liked her didn't you.." He placed a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Bring Her, along son." He said again.

Steve quickly nodded, then walked out the room to grab the phone. He dialled Nancy's number, then spoke quietly into the phone. "Will you pretend to be my girlfriend for a few hours." He asked her, she quickly responded and he hung up the phone.

"She'll be over soon!" Steve shouted as he walked back into the room. Anne was crouched down by Max. She stood up and looked at Steve.

"Why don't you call, Eddie was it?"

Steve gulped, what did Max say. Steve began fiddling with his hands, quiet as he thought. Then He tilted his head at his mother.

"For his friend Amber? She should come along with us, our boys with their girls." She clasped her hands together, smiling.

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