It was almost perfect.

308 7 1

tw: homophobia and abuse

It was 9:23 AM.

Steve's legs were wrapped around Eddie's waist as they slept. He was basically on top of Eddie's back like a little baby. Amber ran into the room and jumped onto their bed, she jumped on the bed repeatedly. The bed squeaked as she jumped. (I wonder why it's broken)

Steve groaned, and got off of Eddie. He sat up and itched his head. He shushed Amber, "Let's let Eddie sleep in alright?" He said quietly, crawling over top of Eddie and out of the room.

Amber thought, then kicked at Eddie's butt, she giggled before she walked out. Eddie groaned slamming his face into the pillow. "FINE IM UP IM UP." Eddie shouted in the pillow and he aggressively got up. He was not a morning person.

Amber ran into Steve, looking up at him. He crouched down, staring at her. "Amber. I said to let him sleep you crazy girl." He picked her up and tossed her onto the couch. She laughed and flicked on the TV.

She sank into the couch cushion, looking back over at Steve and Eddie who were making out against the counter.

"HEY." She shouted. Steve jumped, accidentally biting Eddie's lip as he pulled away. "Ow?" Eddie yawned, placing a hand on his lip. He exhaled, "Aren't your parents still in town love?" Eddie grabbed a dr. pepper from the fridge and poured it into a nearby mug.

"First of all you're gonna rot all your teeth out by drinking this everyday. And second of all. Yes they are, speaking of them. I should probably head home before my dad suspects too much of anything." Steve inhaled, stepped forward and kissing Eddie.

"But i didn't even feed you breakfast- That's not nice especially after the night we just had." Eddie smirked, looking over at Amber then at him again.

"Well- That's okay I know you're a gentlemen my love. I'll swing by later after I say goodbye to my parents. Since they are probably leaving as they usually do." Eddie nodded, tugging Steve in closer to him by the waist.

"I better see you later or else I might just have to come over there, instead."

"Come over there as in come into your bed." He let go of Steve's waist. "See you later Harrington~"

Steve bit his lip, "Bye you crazy man" He walked out of the trailer, jumping into the drivers seat.


Steve casually drove home, pulling into the driveway.

Everything was how it normally was, except his dads car was in the driveway as well. Usually it was in the garage.

Steve shrugged, swinging his keys around in his hand as walked into the front door. It was silent as he walked in. He turned his head, looking at his mother who was just sitting at the table.

"Morning mom." He walked over, grabbing an apple from the centrepiece of the table. He bit into it, looking at her. "What's up? Why's it so quiet around here. Even you're not saying anything." She looked up at him, softly smiling. She had tears in her eyes. "Steve, love why don't you sit down beside me here."

Steve raised an eyebrow, sitting down in the seat beside her. He placed down the bitten apple onto the table. She placed a hand on his arm. "I heard about how you missed school yesterday. There wasn't just any old reason for that, now was there?" Steve stared at her for a few moments.

"Well, If i'm being honest I hung out with some people first, then I saw Nancy for a bit, then I just spent the night at a friends place. I didn't think I had to ask permission to do that? I'm 18.." He chuckled a bit.

"Of course not no. But, this friends house you stayed at.. Was that Eddie?" She said softly, Steve didn't respond to that.

"Look-" She said in a whisper. "I know what you guys have been up to, dear and I think that's fantastic. I'm so glad you found someone you can be truly happy with-" Steve looked at the ground, then up at her.

"Really?-" His voice broke a bit, he smiled happily and hugged her.

Suddenly his dad walked into the room, placing a hand on Anne's shoulder. "Dear, why don't you go and make tea. Maybe make something to eat, actually be a woman and not sit around doing nothing." He said, looking at her, then at Steve. "..Of course, I'll do that right away Phillip." She said quietly, then walked out of the room.

Phillip took her spot that she sat in, he leaned forward and stared at steve. "So you've been screwing a fag." He stared at Steve. "I cant believe I raised my son, to be a fag, Huh. The surprises one has in their life."

"Technically, you didn't raise me. You were barely home for 90 percent of my life." Steve mumbled. Phillip grabbed Steve's jaw, staring at him.

"You don't talk back to me boy." He punched Steve across the face, Steve fell off the chair and kneeled onto the ground. He winced, placing a hand on his busted lip. It bled down his face.

"I'm so disappointed in you. You got that Wheeler girl to lie for you so you could go and be queer with that kid?" Phillip stood up off the chair and walked over, he kicked Steve in the stomach. He fell over onto his side, coughing.

"I don't want a fag son, living in this household. So you can get the fuck out in the next three minutes with whatever you can take on your back." Phillip spat onto Steve. Steve held a hand to his chest, he felt like he was having a panic attack in that moment. He gasped for air for a few moments.

"I fucking mean it get your ass moving up those stairs and get your fucking clothes and shit out of my house. I don't even consider you my son anymore."

Steve got up off of the floor and stumbled as he ran up to his room. He grabbed a random bag and tossed a bunch of clothes into it and a bunch of random pictures that sat on his bedside table. Steve swung the bag on his back, grabbing his pillow as well.

He began running toward the front door of the house before he could face his dad again. Phillip ran up to Steve and chucked a plate at the back of Steve's head. Steve slammed into the front door, crying as he held the back of his head.

"And i mean what I said. You do not. Come back unless you realize you aren't a fucking fag anymore." Phillip swung a punch at Steve's nose. He shrieked, sobbing as he got off the floor.

"You were never a father to me, fuck you." He said through his sobs, and then he ran out of the house.

He started his car and drove as fast as he could. Steve drove past the school, he forgot it was a Wednesday but; Eddie couldn't go to school because of his injuries and for the safety of himself while they waited for Jason to get suspended.

Steve drove to Eddie's house, he rubbed his eyes as he drove.

He felt the warm thick blood run down his lip still, and the pain of his nose swelling up. The back of his head had began to throb and ache in pain.


a/n - short abuse lore chapter, i'm sorry for it but it was needed.

a/f/n - im so smart i gave this idea

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