I loved you.

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Billy parked the car, and looked at Eddie. "Why are we at the mall. You don't seem like the hanging out-mall type."

He took off his seatbelt, as he studied Eddie for a few moments. "I have business to do." Eddie turned his back to Billy, rummaging through his jeans pockets.

"Like?-" Billy thought.

"Oh Eddie- Eddie we are not going to scoops ahoy." He finally realized why Eddie wanted to go to the mall.

Eddie turned around placing one hand on Billy's arm. And the other was behind his back. "I need to." Eddie pulled out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed one of Billy's hands to the steering wheel.

"EDDIE. What the hell are you doing-" He slammed around the handcuffs.

"I need to do it alone.." He muttered something else as he got up and out of the car. He confidently walked up to the doorway to the mall.

"EDDIE-" Billy shouted from the car, banging around the handcuffs.

Eddie looked back and dramatically waved to Billy, then walked in through the glass doors.

"Shit." Billy exhales, then continuing to hit the handcuffs around.


Eddie sniffled, rubbing his eyes. He squinted scanning the names of all the stores around. His vision just kept getting blurrier with tears. As you could tell Eddie still was very drunk.

"Scoops Ahoy baby." He said to himself, as he began to approach the store.

Steve and Robin were sitting in the back room of Scoops Ahoy. It was a dead afternoon, why would they sit out there and wait for customers.

"Are you calling?"

"Shut up its ringing."

"No answer though." Steve placed down the phone.

"Well then just go to his place later."

The bell at the front counter dinged.

"Go get it, i'm waiting to see if he will pick up the phone." Steve gestured at Robin.

She groaned and walked out the room. "Oh- Hello there." She cleared her throat, looking at the man standing there. The man spoke in a soft quiet voice, though it broke a bit as he spoke.

Steve leaned back in his chair trying to glance at the customer. He couldn't see who it was, so he went back to playing around with the phone. "Of course- you may.. I'll get him."

Robin stiffly walked to the back room, standing in the door frame. "The customer wants to speak with you." She said with a serious look on her face. Steve raised an eyebrow, "No imm trying to call him you deal with them."

"I really think you should see this customer Steve-"

"Yeah i think you would want to see this customer Stevie!" Eddie shouted from the front counter.

Steve blinked, slamming down the phone and running to the front. Steve stared at Eddie for a few moments. He had a dirty shirt on, his hair was a complete mess and he looked like an insane person with the look on his face. Steve was concerned for him.

"H-Hi There, Eddie, what can i do for you.."
Steve said softly.

"I love you Steve Harrington."

Eddie stared at him, crossing his arms.

"You're drunk." Steve stared at him.

"I may be but i love you. And i know that. I can forgive you, with the whole kissing Nancy thing. I know you didn't want it. I just want you. Please. I cant, do this without you."

Steve stared at him, he didn't expect this. But, he had to bring up the fact him and Nancy, did more then that.

"Well?" Eddie leaned against the counter, smiling at him softly. "D-Do you not love me?" Eddie held his hands to his own face, a few tears rolling down his face.

"No- No it's not that I-"

Eddie shook his head.

"I fucking love you Steve Harrington. So god damn much. Have you realized I've never said that to you? Let alone anyone. And you have nothing to say. Nothing. Absolutely nothing?!"
He began shouted his words.

"No- Eddie I-"

Steve could barely get words out.

"I can forgive you for Nancy, Please i'm the one who's sorry." Eddie began sobbing.

"I-I slept with Nancy." He finally said.

Eddie stopped crying, and looked up at him. He wasn't sad anymore, he felt so pissed off. He licked his lips, then stepped forward to Steve.

Eddie swung his arm and punched Steve in the face. His rings pressing into the side of Steve's face. He shook his hand as he started to walk out the store.

Billy had finally got the handcuffs off, he ran up to Eddie; then looked at Steve who had a black eye and a few cuts from Eddie's rings.

"SHIT-" Robin ran over to him throwing a bunch of napkins to his face. Steve didn't even react, he stood there silently. He held a hand to his eye, his hands were getting covered in his own blood.

"That's what you had to do?.. Okay then." Billy put an arm over Eddie and walked with him out of the mall.

Eddie was really quiet, he had no expression on his face.

< Time Skip >

That evening, Steve went to his house and sat in his room.

He held a pack of ice to his face, groaning as he went to lay in bed. No sign of Nancy at least. He looked around his room, his empty room.

The room was so quiet. His house didn't have an old ac system that rattled every time it turned on, it didn't have bedrooms that were stacked right by each other so you could hear what everyone was doing in their rooms, and most importantly it didn't have an Eddie whispering into your ear about how perfect you were.

Steve slouched into the bed, smushing his face into the pillow. It was only 7 PM but he had no motivation to do anything, except lay here like the piece of shit he felt like he was.

Eddie was at home.
Billy had dropped him off at his place, making sure he was safe before he left.

Eddie was safe, he just was alone.

Wayne and Amber were still out, they could possibly be camping at the fishing docks. He thought, as he ran his hand along the walls of the house until he made his way to his bedroom.

"Hi there sweetheart." He ran a finger along his guitar that was on the wall. He kissed it, then walked out of the room.

It was so quiet. He hated that.

Immediately, he ran to grab his radio and started blaring it as loud as he could. Then, he ran into the bathroom and began running the water into the bathtub. I think a bath was needed. Relaxing.

He clapped his hands together before he slid off his clothes, and stepped into the tub. Eddie slowly sat down in the hot bath, running his fingers through his hair. The steam filled the bathroom, all he could focus on was the heat of the room, the blaring of the radio.

He couldn't possibly think of- Steve..

Steve now floated to his mind, he curled up in the bath; hugging his knees.

He softly cried, hiding his face in his arms.


a/n - another shorter chapter, but i think the shorter ness to the chapters like these makes it more dramatic. #poorsteddie

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