Hell - fire breaks loose

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Steve walked into the school. Everything seemed normal.

He sharply inhaled, then exhaled. The morning went by normally- Except for science class. Nancy and him didn't say a word to each other the whole period.

The bell rang, it was lunch time. Steve lunged out of his seat and sprinted down the halls.

He pushed through the schools back doors, and ran to the bleachers. Steve took a second to catch his breath before he ducked down and looked under the bleachers.

There were a few people there, one was a couple, making out; and the other was a boy who was crouched up in the corner. The back of their shirt was covered in dirt. Steve crawled under the bleachers and went closer to the boy.

The boy was Eddie- Steve ran over to him and hugged Eddie from behind.

He kissed Eddie's forehead,

"What happened? Talk to me, please"

Steve said softly, holding Eddie in his arms. Eddie wasn't moving, his face was buried into his arms that were crossed over his knees. "You.. kissed Nancy." Eddie's voice was low, and almost breaking as he said that. Steve's face went blank. He slightly let go of Eddie.

"..You didn't hear the full story though, did you?" Steve placed a hand on Eddie's back again. Eddie sat up and grabbed Steves wrist. He looked up at him. "I heard enough. And you didn't even deny-" His voice broke. "You didn't deny it, so it's true.. You kissed her. You fucking kissed her." He shook his head. "Edward-"

Steve felt the grip around his wrist from Eddie's grasp tighten. "P-Please. Don't. Maybe you didn't want it to happen yes, but I trusted you to hang out with her. You told me that it was studying. Every single god damn time." Tears rolled down Eddie's face as he spoke. "I did not want her to kiss me, i swear to god I care about you so much Edward you don't even know."

Eddie dropped Steve's hand. "I swear, I didn't know it was going to happen. I was watching that stupid movie and-" Steve's voice broke as well.

"I cant do this." Eddie spoke up, shaking his head.

"No- No god Eddie don't say that- Please don't. We will talk about this later, I-I'll do anything to be with you Eddie Munson."

Steve grabbed Eddie's hands. "I c-cant do this." Eddie got up and ran from him. Steve was left, sitting there.

Were they.. not together anymore? He was left with that thought.

Eddie sprinted through the school's field, bolting his way into the forest. He stumbled and fell into the dirt. He had tears rolling down his face still. He got up, and reached his hand into a tree stump.

He picked up his lunchbox that was buried in a pile of leaves. He opened it and placed a cigarette into his mouth. He lit it up and smoked it.

Eddie spent the rest of the school day in the forest.

Steve had went back to his classes, very zoned out through the day. His mind was racing. He was so god damn confused and lost. All he had on his mind was Eddie.

The bell rang, it was the end of the day.

What? What the hell since when was it the end of the day. Steve got up from his chair, walking behind everyone in the halls.

It got empty fast.

He continued following the lines on the ground of the school floor. He stopped, slowly looking up at the group of 20 people.

They all had Hellfire shirts on.

Plus, one boy without the shirt on. Billy Hargrove stood behind them all; He was barely seen, he seemed to be holding someone up.

"Oh- H-Hi guys." He said quietly, backing up a bit from them.

"Hi Steve Harrington." Garett leaned forward. "So we heard some, interesting news today." The quiet kid spoke up. "Indeed we did." Billy added.

They all looked back at Billy. Steve could catch a glimpse at Billy, he was holding a very passed out high Eddie in his arms. The group of people stepped closer together so that Eddie wasn't seen.

"Care to talk to us? We were on our way to organize a new campaign." Garett smiled at him. Why did he smile like that.

Steve looked at a few of them. "I think that, I should probably head home you know?" He stepped aside, "My younger brother needs me you know...?" He stepped to the side again.

Garett ran up to him and grabbed him by the shirt. He could feel Steve's breath against him. Suddenly, a bunch of people came from the opposite end of the hallway.

It was some random group of people. Garett let go of Steve. Steve dropped onto the ground, looking up at him.

"Maybe you're right, you should go." Garett backed up a bit.


Eddie stumbled out from behind a few people. His eyes were bloodshot red from all the drugs and shit he was on. "Eddie-" He got up off the ground and stepped forward. Billy walked over and picked up Eddie by the waist. "We should go-"

He carried Eddie to another set of doors on the opposite side of the school.

Steve looked back at the hellfire club, then ran out towards his car. He sped off as fast as he could, not even fastening his seatbelt.

Steve arrived at his house, he slammed his door and ran through the front door. He closed the door behind him, exhaling at the relief of being alone.

Though, he still felt shitty, and confused. Steve walked into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water then turned to head to his room- But. Something caught his eye. He slowly turned and walked into the dining room.

Max and Nancy sat at the dining room table; she had a cup of tea at her place. "Oh- You're home!" She stood up from the table, wrapping her arms around Steve.

"Miss me?"

She looked up at him. She leaned into him, and kissed him. Steve already was broken up with his boyfriend, he lost the trust of the hellfire club, what did he even have left. Eddie probably wouldn't ever trust him again..

He kissed her back.


Billy took Eddie home, he ran over to the passenger side door; picking up Eddie and taking him inside. Eddie had tears stained onto his face. "I love Steve man."

He sobbed into Billy's arms as he was being carried to his bedroom. "I know you do, but try to calm down Eddie." He took the pillow and propped Eddie up.

"Can you, stay the night."

Eddie stared at Billy. "Please." Billy looked at him for a few moments.

God, he wanted to more then anything. But, he cared about Eddie. He didn't wanna rush his healing over Steve like that. Billy exhaled.

"I cant today, but, call me tomorrow okay?"

He placed a hand on Eddie's cheek, smiling before he walked out the room. As Billy left the room, Amber entered the room at the same time.

She crawled into Eddie's bed and laid down beside him. "It's okay Eddie." She patted his head like a dog, then fell asleep beside him.


a/n - short chapter but hey. sorry for this again guys had to make it plot twisty woah

a/f/n (aka. static) - AHHHHHHHH I HATE THIS CHAPTER. why would u do this to me. what did i do to deserve this.

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