Everything is how it should be.

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It was Monday morning, a school day.

Eddie The Freak Munson, was in the school hallway with Dustin and Mike. They spoke quietly to each other. Eddie wrapped his arms around the two, whispering some other thing. They all bursted out laughing.

Steve The Hair Harrington was on the opposite end of the hall with a bunch of scary jock guys. One patted Steve on the back and said something about Nancy. Steve brushed him off, they all passed by Nancy in the halls. She waved to Steve and he waved back.

Everything, is how it's supposed to be. The jocks, with the jocks; The freaks, by the freaks. There was no in between mush like before. We were all in place again. Steve caught a glance at Eddie as he walked by them. Eddie didn't even look up to see Steve, he was too busy raving about something to the two boys.

Steve decided he shouldn't bother Eddie. After all, they weren't together anymore.. He knew he screwed up, and that Eddie needed space. But, it still hurt to seem him with other people; and he couldn't be one of those people by him too.

During the second period of the morning. Eddie Munson was wandering the halls, he went for an extended washroom break.

"Edward Munson?" A voice called out from down the hall. Eddie flinched and turned around, he slipped his hands in his pocket as he walked over to the person. It was the schools guidance counsellor. "I swear I'm just on a bathroom break I'm not skipping class again Mrs C-"

"No no i trust you Edward. I just had to talk to you actually. You and Steve Harrington, hang out a lot right?" Mrs. Conyers licked her lips and looking through a stack of papers she had in her arms.

Eddie slowly nodded, folding his arms across his chest. "We do. Yes. Why?"

"His parents wanted me to send him home for the day, and I was about to track him down to give him these papers to release him from school for the day."

His parents were visiting?

"Of course yeah- I can do that."

"Perfect! I just have a million things to do, and since I saw you first.. Thought it would be easier for you to just to this task for me. Plus, you get an excuse from the rest of your class while you find Steve." She handed Eddie a paper, he took it and held a grip onto it.

"Thanks-" He turned around and looked for the classroom.

I know we aren't together. But he could've at least told me his parents were coming back. I know that must be a hard time for him. Eddie thought, as he bit the skin off of his bottom lip.

He arrived at the classroom and peered into the window. Steve was sitting in the front row with Nancy by his side. Eddie waved like an insane person in front of the door until Steve finally, made eye contact with him; after several minutes.

Steve nodded to Nancy; she watched him as he walked out of the classroom. He shut the door behind him and stepped out of the doorway.

"What are you doing here Munson? And why didn't you just knock on the door-" Steve leaned against the wall, looking at Eddie.

"Mrs. Conyers told me to give this to you- And since we are such 'good mates' according to her, she thought i'd get it to ya safely." He said, looking at Steve with a soft smile.

"Oh- Well thank you." Steve took the paper from Eddie's hands, and stared at it for a few moments. He read through the beginning part, a bit confused.

"Your parents are visiting?" Eddie spoke up again.

"..Yeah- I forgot they were if i'm being honest.. They were supposed to be here yesterday but, I guess they got side tracked as they usually do." Steve flipped the page, looking briefly through the rest of the booklet of papers.

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