Are we normal again?

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The rest of the week for Eddie and Steve was pretty normal. They had their usual school days. Though, Steve began hanging out with Nancy more frequently, at least 4 nights out of the 5 of the school week he went with her.

Eddie didn't complain though, he wanted Steve to be happy; Plus, he got to see Billy two of those nights. Although, the other two were spent drinking alcohol in the bathtub of the house. But; Steve didn't know about those nights.

Amber began spending more time at Max's house, rather than him going over to the Munson trailer as often.

It was now the next week, the following Thursday. Steve had hung out with Nancy exactly 7 times. Not that Eddie was counting or anything pfd. Or technically, 8 times. They have a hang out session after school later today.

It was Thursday morning at 7 AM. Eddie laid in bed, thinking about Nancy and Steve. He turned to his side, staring at the empty bed. Steve had spent the night at his actual house for once, it was lonely without him. But, he understood he did need to go home once in a while like a normal human being.

He glimpsed over at his clock, 7 AM? What the hell why am I up so god damn early. He complained to himself in his mind, as he sat up in the bed.

The blankets were all messed up and bunched in a giant pile. It was not comfy. Eddie got up, itching at his face as he slowly made his way to the bathroom. He yawned, shutting the door behind him as he entered the room. His hair looked, damp, from the lack of washing it.

He exhaled, dramatically tearing his clothes off and tossing them onto the ground. He reached into the shower and turned on the water. He made it boiling hot, then stepped into it. The water ran down his back, and droplets fell onto his face.

Showers aren't so bad.

He looked up, feeling the steam hit his face. He thought of that one time Steve and him showered together- That was, a time. He laughed to himself as he reached for a bottle of shampoo. He poured it over his head and began aggressively rubbing it in. His hands getting caught between knots in his wavy hair. He yanked his hands out, then grabbed the conditioner and slathered it on as well.

A few minutes pass by, Eddie was washed for the first time in a while. He still was in the shower, he just sat on the ground of the bathtub; feeling the water hit his back.

It burned, in a nice way. It was the feeling of making love for hours, you were tired but you didn't want it to stop. At least that's how Eddie described what a shower felt like.

Another few minutes passed by, he was finally out of the shower. He tied a towel around his waist, and walked out of the room. Steam escaped from the doorway as the door opened and shut again. Eddie took off his towel, and walked around his room, looking for an outfit.

There was a loud bang at the door.

"Shit-" He picked up the towel and tied it over himself again. "ONE SECOND." He shouted loudly, running to the door and tying the towel at the same time.

He swung the door open, holding the towel in place. He looked up at the person, smiling. "Hi Billy- Come in before i expose myself to the world."

Billy raised an eyebrow, walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"I thought you needed a ride to school why aren't you ready you shit head."

Eddie ran down the hallway, half way closing the door. He dropped the towel and rushed to throw on clothes. "Well i need a ride but I tried this heavenly thing called a shower you idiot now give me a second." Eddie spoke through the doorway, Billy leaned against the couch exhaling as he waited for Eddie.

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