'We are the champions'

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It was 1:30 PM when their graduation was over, lots of people still remained at the school.

People were talking to some graduates, and some didn't want to leave just yet. Eddie and Steve were sitting on the steps of the school, waiting for Wayne to come and find them.

"Hey- What happened on the stage?" Eddie looked at Steve carefully, placing a hand on his thigh. "Nothing happened my love?" Steve looked at him. But he knew he couldn't lie to Eddie.

"..Well. I think, I saw my dad in the crowd. But i'm not sure." Steve added, looking at Eddie; he was gritting his teeth. "It sure as hell better have not been him.." He mumbled, Steve placed a hand on his back.

"I'm fine Eddie, really." They both looked up to Wayne standing there, Amber was as well with two bouquets of flowers in her hands.

"PRESENTS!" She squealed then tossed a bouquet at each of them. "You guys did absolutely amazing i'm so proud of you." Wayne placed a hand on each of their shoulders,

"I'll meet you guys back at home later alright? Don't be out too late you two." He said, smiling at them. "Thank you Wayne." Eddie smiled back and watched Amber and Wayne leave.

Amber had taken the flowers back with her, even though they were for the two boys.

He turned back to face Steve. "What the hell do we do now that school is done-"

"Well I've got a few ideas for the current moments." Steve inched his hand up Eddie's thigh, he grinned at him. They leaned into each other and kissed for a perfect moment.

Dustin ran up and tackled into Steve. "YOU GUYS ARE SO OLD YOU GRADUATED-" He shouted as he sat on top of Steve.

"OW? HENDERSON YOURE SO BONY-" Steve shouted, Eddie sat back and laughed at the two.

Robin ran up to them as well and jumped into Eddie. "IM SO PROUD OF YOU TWO." She shouted as well, pressing her cheek against Eddie's. Dustin got off of Steve and sat beside him on the step.

Vickie laughed softly as she watched them all talk. She was a very quiet person.

After a few minutes, Robin got up and grabbed Vickie's hand. "Later today we should all meet at the one cafe, get milkshakes?" Robin asked. Steve smiled and nodded to her, "Alright cool!!" Robin started to walk with Vickie towards the car. "Bye you guys!" Vickie said before walking away.

"Shit yeah I should probably get home too- BUT we have that last hellfire campaign tomorrow right?" Dustin got up, looking at Eddie.

"You got it man." Eddie smiled at him, standing up and pulling him in for a hug.

"I love you man, you're gonna take great care of the club for me." Eddie said softly, Dustin sniffled hugging Eddie tighter.

"I love you too-" His voice broke a bit. "GOD DONT MAKE ME CRY RIGHT NOW. IM SEEING YOU TOMORROW-" Dustin pulled away and running towards his bike. "BYE HENDERSON-" Steve shouted,

"BYE STEVE-" Dustin yelled back as he kept running.

Eddie whipped around, grabbing Steves arms. He pulled him in close and made the motions of slow dancing. "We're really gonna dance around to no music?"

"Indeed we are Steve."

"You guys look like dorks." Billy shouted at them from inside his car. He rolled down his window and Garett waved at them. The two were in the backseat of Billy's car. Eddie let go of Steve and looked at them.

"SAYS YOU TWO, DOING IT IN THE BACK OF A CAR" Eddie shouted, then grabbed Steves hand and walked towards their car.

"Give us a ride home pleaseeeeee?" He begged Billy, who was shirtless on top of Garett still. Billy groaned, throwing his shirt back on and getting out of the backseat.

"Fine." He said, helping Garett out of the car as well.

"Wow this is a side of you i've never seen Garett." Eddie looked him down and up, "I mean quite literally because your pants are undone." Eddie said with a smirk.

Steve laughed at that. "Shit- Leave that alone. And you guys do it every chance you get so you really can't come at us." Garett walked past them and hopped into the passenger seat. Eddie shrugged, then slid into the backseat with Steve.

Billy and Garett jammed along to the loud radio. Steve held a hand on Eddie's thigh, slowly running his hand up his thigh. Eddie got chills down his back, he bit at his lip. Steve stared at him, laughing softly.

They pulled up to the house, Steve slid out of the car, pulling Eddie out after. "You guys going to milkshakes later with Robin?" Billy looked at them out the window. "We shall be there mhm" Steve pointed finger guns at them, Eddie held into Steve's waist, leaning onto him.

"Righty then, see you lovebirds later." Garett said, winking at them before Billy swerved the car around making a skidding sound as he drove off into the distance.

Eddie kissed Steve's neck before he let go of him. He gasped and ran towards the tree in front of his house. "Eddie what are you doing?-" Steve asked watching as Eddie crouched down into the grass. He picked up a small animal, walking over to Steve. "Oh my god can we keep him-" He held a black cat in his arms, Steve laughed and put his hand into Eddie's back pocket of his suit.

"Yes we can, if, we can name it bubbles." Steve walked toward the front door, Eddie following him. "Bubbles? Steve Harrington you're such a dork" Eddie laughed.

Steve smiled, opening the door for them. They stood in the door frame for a moment. "Thank you Stevie. I'm sure our new pet Bubbles will love us. We're perfect parents right?" Eddie said, laughing as he leaned into Steve.

Steve laughed softly, before placing a hand on Eddie's face. They kissed for a second before walking into the house together.

"I love you Eddie, forever and always." Steve said before closing the door behind him.


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