I miss you

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It was about 6 PM, an hour and 30 minutes after the school day ended. Eddie and Steve were in Eddie's bed, their hands interlocked and their bodies laying beside each-other. They had soft music in the background, just sitting in perfect silence.

"Hey Eddie?"

Steve said, staring at the back of Eddie's head. He was spooning him in his arms.

"Mmhm?" He responded in a quiet, tired voice.
"Do you have any plans for later tonight?" Steve said, Eddie turning to face him.

Their faces were barely two inches from each others. "Not specifically, might take Amber to the park.." He kissed Steve's cheek, "Might see the band, practice.." He pecked him. "Or a few other ideas, if you have any to pitch.." Eddie said softly.
Steve softly smiled at him, placing a hand on Eddie's face before kissing him back.

It felt awkward to bring up Nancy-hangout session after him being so, damn perfect.

"Either one sounds like a great plan." Steve looked at him, Eddie stopped smiling and thought for a second. "Did you have plans this evening?" He spoke up to Steve, looking at him carefully.

It was silent for a few moments, as Steve tried to think of the correct words.

"Well Harrington?.. Because if you do that's totally fine, we are a couple, we are happy, we don't need to spend every moment together of everyday.. I hope you know I know that, you idiot. If that's what you are thinking at least." Eddie said, and laughed a bit softly.

"Of course i know that, but. Nancy actually invited me to go to her house sometime today- If i wanted to." He felt Eddie move around a bit.
Eddie turned and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling before responding.

"I trust you, Steve. You know that, I just don't know if I entirely trust her-"

"I know i know, but it wouldn't be anything weird, she mentioned science studying? I think? I bet it will be so lame that I have to come home early, and spend the rest of my night with you. Which will be so much better." Steve sat up and laid on Eddie's chest.

"So i'll go?" He asked Eddie.

"..Mmhmm you're going."

Eddie sat up, forcibly turning Steve around so that he laid on top of him instead. He kissed him passionately, before quickly standing up; leaving Steve stunned for a few moments. That was a very forward kiss. It was, really, really, amazing. It left Steve with chills down his back.

"Now, Since you're out for the evening. I guess i'll hang out with Amber, possibly go pick up Max? Be a nice parental figure y'know?" Eddie turned to his dresser and changed out of his hellfire t-shirt and into Steve's yellow sweater. To finish the look, he tied his hair up in a messy ponytail.

Steve got up from the bed and kissed Eddie's neck from behind. "I'll be back in a few hours love" Steve said quietly, hugging him from behind before he left the trailer.
Eddie stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments. He felt, weird, thoughts began enrolling into his mind.

Maybe Steve still likes Nancy? I mean I don't blame him, she is gorgeous. And I'm, Eddie Munson. A person who loves D&D, who sells drugs, who spends time with a guitar like it's a person. Though, I don't think that's entirely weird, my guitar is my life. I love Steve. I don't think i've told him that, I should really do that.. Maybe that'll make him not leave me, like everyone else has.

He blinked a few times forcibly, wiping the tears from his eyes; He didn't even know he was crying. He was, fine. Steve was just going to hang out with Nancy, for a few hours. A girl he used to like, and she probably still liked him.. How could she not he's so god damn beautiful.

After a few silent moments, he took a deep breath and walked out the room. He went and opened Ambers bedroom door. "EDDIE." She shouted happily and picked up her little toy car. "Hi you-" He picked her up, and placed her on his hip.

Amber had different features then him, same skin tone, same big amazing eyes, both had extremely long hair that was absolutely stunning to look at. Her hair was a dark blonde though, whereas his was a dark brown.

"Would you like to pick up Max? We can head to the park for a few hours if you'd like to." He said softly. His voice was different around kids, more kind-sounding. She SCREECHED with happiness, and shouted "YES" numerous times. He poked her nose, and walked out the room; still holding her close.

"Wayne- We're going to head to the park. Heck maybe i'll even make the kid learn how to play D&D." He shouted towards his Uncles bedroom. "Okay have fun you two but be back in a few hours alright?" The quiet voice of his Uncle said. "Shall do!" Eddie slammed the door behind him, and drove his van to Steve's house.

The inside of the van was dark, it had seven seats on the inside, and the floor was covered with guitar picks, tissues, and some random flyers from their band events. In the back seat he kept two car seats. He really did seem like a mother with the mom van.

Usually, Steve's parents weren't home. The workers of Steve's house knew Eddie by now. They allowed him to walk in whenever, no question. He had gotten Max, and headed to the park with the two children.

Meanwhile, Steve had just pulled up to the Wheelers house. He sat in their driveway in the car.

It looked the exact same as always. He saw faint movement of the curtains from Mike's bedroom. Steve exhaled, and turned off the car's engine. He admired himself in the car's rear view mirror, running his hands through his hair before he opened up his door. He grabbed his school bag from the backseat, he was there to study after all.

Then, he slammed the door closed. He swung the bag around his shoulder, and walked up to the door. The perfectly golden door knocker sitting in the middle of the door, right under the peep hole of the door. He exhaled and used it to knock on the door.

A few moments of silence, then the door swung open.

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