We've finally done it.

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It's been a month since Steve had moved in with Eddie because of everything happening at his house.

The two were doing perfect with being with each other again.

Nothing too eventful has happened in the last month. The biggest piece of news is that Anne and Max managed to get away from Phillip. They had actually moved out of Hawkins to get away from him. Phillip continued traveling alone for work, so Steve was still fine with living with Eddie.

Amber has been having a hard time with adjusting without her best friend, but; Eddie inviting over Lucas Sinclair to his place one time and he brought his younger sister Erica to hang out with Amber. Erica was 7, and Amber was 5 but; they got along perfectly.

Steve and Eddie had gotten more serious with each other, they weren't engaged or anything but they still wore each others rings as they were. Obviously gay marriage wasn't a thing yet anyways, but they were as good as married with the way they acted with each other. They helped one another get ready each morning, they shared each other's clothes and Steve was Eddie's number one fan when he had his band gigs;

And usually, Eddie made it to Steve's basketball games. Jason actually got suspended from school too, which made him pissed off but at least he left Eddie alone now.

Billy had actually found a really nice boyfriend, it was Garett from the hellfire club. They complimented each other well.

Nancy stayed about the same, they never did find out that she told Phillip the address of Eddie's place. She still remained the jealous mess she is. Eddie did stick his tongue out to her whenever he passed by with Steve;

He had to flex a little on the fact he won Steve Harringtons heart. Again.


The current day;

It was 8:32 AM, the day of their graduation.

Steve was already up and making scrambled eggs for everyone. He was wearing a rose petal apron, and his pjs still. "Amber eat up before it gets cold please and thank you-" Steve said to her, as he turned around and rinsed off the pan. She groaned stomping her feet as she walked over to the stools.

She crawled onto it and stabbed her fork. "Oh cmon missy you better eat-" He tickled Amber and she shrieked, laughing. "OKAY OKAY I WILL-" She yelled, still laughing. Steve smiled and stopped tickling her.

Wayne came out of his bedroom in a suit, he stopped in place and stared at Steve. "Is this formal for a high school graduation?" He said.

Steve smiled, walking over and adjusting his tie. "No, it's absolutely perfect you look great Wayne!" Steve patted his shoulder before he walked back into the kitchen.

Wayne smiled then walked over to the bathroom, he pounded onto the locked bathroom door. "Edward Munson you better hurry up in there and I know you're done getting ready i smell your cigarettes." He shouted into the door.

"WAYNE I SWEAR ITS APART OF MY GETTING READY ROUTINE-" Eddie screeched from inside of the bathroom, quickly he opened the door.

Eddie was wearing a tight black velvet textured suit. And his hair was curled perfectly. He was wearing a black beaded necklace with a ring that hung from it.

Wayne sniffled as he looked at Eddie, he pulled him in for a hug. "Wayne it's not even the graduation yet and you're crying-"

"I'm just. So proud of you son." Wayne wiped his eyes, "BUT you're right now get out of the bathroom." Wayne shoved past Eddie, he laughed as he walked into the kitchen.

Steve was leaning on the counter, stealing some of the food off of Ambers plate. Eddie cleared his throat, then smiled brightly as Steve turned around to look at him. "Oh my god you look -" Steve walked forward and wrapped his arms around Eddie.

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