'Your kiss is my bliss'

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It was 12:30 AM when Steve finally pulled up to the front door of Eddie's trailer. He carefully unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Immediately, he noticed Eddie who was laying on the floor of living room. "Munson-" He ran over to him, sitting him up. "Oh Good morning Steve-y lovey darling are you with Nancy now?" Eddie's breath smelt of beer. "..No I'm with you love, it's time for bed please let's go to bed okay?"

Steve said carefully, picking Eddie up by the waist, and carrying him to the bedroom. He flopped Eddie onto his back onto his bed. Eddie was laughing softly at absolutely nothing. Steve shook his head and took off Eddie's shirt.

"WOAH OKAY THATS MINE MR. BUT IF U WANT ME YOU CAN-"Eddie shouted, Steve placed a finger over Eddie's mouth, shushing him. He sat beside him, "I'm just changing your shirt, because you spilt beer all over yourself. Now hush, you have a child sleeping in the house."

Steve kissed his forehead, before walking over to the dresser and pulled out the Metallica T-Shirt from the top drawer. "You have a shirtless boy, in bed, don't you want me? Or do you want Nancy." He said again, licking his lips as he stared into Steve's eyes.

"Enough with that. I like you and you know that. Stop being an idiot." Steve put the shirt over Eddie's head. "Now can you please sleep? We will talk about this in the morning.." He kissed him again, before making Eddie lay down. "Okay goodnight handsome~" He said softly, before hugging and gripping onto the pillow aggressively. "Don't be a bitch." Eddie said to the pillow.

Steve shook his head, running his fingers through Eddie's hair. He got up, and looked out the room. He was about to go and lock the front door when he saw; Amber was standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Steve. Can I have pasta?"

She held Wayne's note in one hand, and a fork in the other hand. He laughed and walked over to take the note, placing it on the counter. "Of course you may silly." Steve picked up Amber, so that she sat on top of the counter. He grabbed a plate of pasta from the fridge, and heated it up for her.

"Is Eddie.. Okay?" She said, looking around the room then back at Steve. "He will be, just a hard night for him. You know he gets weird like that sometimes, right."

"Right." She took the plate from his hands, hopping down from the counter; and took the pasta straight to her room in silence. Steve ran after her, "Feed me a bite." He sat down on the ground beside her bed. "Fine." She slammed the fork into the pile of pasta and held it out to him. "..Thank you?" He noticed she was angry, but took a bite of it anyways.

After 15 minutes of her just eating and talking about her day. She finally realized that she was tired. Steve actually was already asleep on the ground beside her bed. They both slept peacefully that night. Eddie was alone in his room, sleeping semi-fine. But he would wake up feeling shitty for sure.


It was the next day at 10 AM.
Eddie was awake, squinting his eyes shut very tightly. "God who decided that the sun should be so, BRIGHT."

He kicked at the blinds on his window so that they shut, making it a bit darker. But it didn't affect it much, since it was a sunny day. He sat up from the bed, "Steve?.." Eddie said softly. Did he not, come home? He bit his lip, quickly getting up to run to the front door- He stopped running, walking backwards to Amber's room.

He saw Steve passed out on her floor, and Amber was curled up beside him. "Oh.." He walked up to the two of them, crouching down. He rested his hand on Steve's waist. "Good morning-" He whispered into Steve's Ear. Steve slowly sat up, leaving Amber asleep on the floor.

The two boys walked out of the room, shutting it behind them so that she could have a bit more rest. "What the hell were you doing drinking last night?" Steve pulled Eddie's hand, so that they were back in Eddie's room. "I swear that was just like magical I didn't even drink what how did that happen?" Eddie softly laughed, and leaned into Steve for a kiss.

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