Steve Harrington.. No Way Home.

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Steve swerved and parked on the street in front of Eddie's house.

He got out of the of the car, stumbling as he went so shut the door. His head began to ache really bad, and he could still feel the uncontrollable amount of tears flooding down his face. Steve made his way up to the door, slamming it open.

Eddie was Amber were sitting on the couch, they both flinched as the door swung open. "Eddie-" Steve said through his cries, he had one hand on the back of his head. Eddie ran over and held Steve tightly close to him.

They both sat down in the middle of the front door, Eddie softly made shushing noises as Steve cried into his arms. He didn't know any context of what had happened to Steve, but he knew this was all he needed in that moment. Eddie kissed Steves forehead, using his sleeve to wipe the blood off of Steve's lips.

After a few moments, Steve stopped crying so hard. "Hey Steve, steve why don't we try moving and sitting on the couch?" Eddie said in a whisper tone, Steve silently nodded his head and the two both slowly walked to the couch. Amber stared at Steve, she could tell something was wrong. She ran out of the room and came back with a teddy bear. She held it out to Steve, he softly smiled and took it.

He laid down in the corner of the couch, Eddie sat on the arm rest of the couch, running her fingers down Steve's arm in a soothing way. "I'm gonna get some stuff to clean you up love." Eddie said whispering once again,  he picked his forehead before he walked out. Steve felt chills go down his whole body.

His mind wandered, where was he going to stay; and he didn't even have all of his things with him. He had no money except for bit he had coming in from Scoops Ahoy.

Eddie walked back into the room, he placed a hand on Steve's back. "I'm just gonna take off your shirt alright man? To see if you have any other wounds." He said quietly, as he lifted up Steve's shirt. Eddie used an alcoholic sanitizer wipe along Steve's lips.

It gave a little burning feeling as it touched the cuts, but it felt nice to get that off of him. Eddie looked at Steve, then walked into the kitchen to grab an icepack, he placed one on Steve's stomach and the other he made him hold up to his nose.

"Are you hungry at all? Or do you need water." Eddie leaned down to look at Steve as he spoke.

"I-I'm fine, could you just.. sit by me." Steve said in a quiet, shaky voice.

"Of course I can yeah." Eddie crawled up on the couch, and made it so Steve laid down in his arms. They all watched the cartoons on tv for a solid hour.

It was 10:47 AM.

"Steve. I let you have your silence and regaining after whatever happened. But I do really need to know who did this to you.. Was it, someone in your house?" Eddie said softly, stroking Steve's head as he talked.

"..Mmhm.. It was dear old dad." His voice broke a bit, he cleared it before he continued to talk. "Um. So he found out that me and you are together. I don't know how, at all.. But. He doesn't want me living in his house." Steve looked back at Eddie, who had a very serious look on his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's the reason for all of this, I'm so sorry Steve that is just not right and the face you've had to grow up with that man all your life- Pff that's so dumb. You are an amazing guy and you don't deserve that shi-" Steve shut Eddie's rambling up by kissing him.

"It's okay, Eddie i'm alright. I just.. Need to find a cheap apartment." Steve looked back at the tv.

"Hell no you're not, you are staying right here with me I don't care if you're sick of me Harrington."

"A-Are you sure though? What if you're the one sick of me." Steve stared at him. "You're insane if you believe that." Eddie said, reaching for the icepack and holding it to Steve's head again.

"You're, lying."Where stories live. Discover now