A Morning at the Munson's

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It was about 9am at Eddie the freak Munson's house.

The house was silent, maybe a faint snore from Wayne (Eddies uncle) from the living room couch. Eddie was dead asleep in the middle of his younger siblings room, cradling a pink stuffed animal. It gripped in-between his fists, and the fuzz from the stuffed animal was stabbing him in the eyes.

Suddenly, a younger child slammed onto Eddies back, he flinched rolling to the side. He held the stuffed animal in his arms, like it was a weapon as he stared at the little child. Suddenly a second child slid out from under the pink bed.

"EDDIE!!!!!!!" One shouted to him and began hugging his legs. "Oh-" He stared at the child, OH. I forgot their friend was sleeping over; thought that I was hallucinating a second child from all the- Special K.

Both of the children sat on his feet and hugged his legs. He inhaled sharply and began walking with each of them on one foot like they were leg-warmers.

"Say, lets get you two some food now shall we angels?" He dragged them along to the kitchen.

Wayne snored loudly. Eddie had an idea to get these children off his back- well, legs for a bit.

He crouched down and softly whispered, his hair covering the front of his face as he looked down at the two children. "Why don't you wake up sweet little uncle over there now, huh?" He smirked lightly and pulled the hair out of his face to behind his ear.

He patted each of their heads and stood up. His sibling was the one with longer blonde hair, Amber the great. Their best friend's name was Max, which was .. Steve the hair, Harrington's younger brother.

Which meant he got to see the lovely, handsome, brutally stupid, dumb, bright, Steve ever so often. His mind wandered a bit. Breakfast for children- right. He spun around listening to the anger from his uncle in the background and the loud happy screeching from the children.

After a few brief minutes of, serving the children a healthy meal of expired cereal. The kids sitting happily at the bar stools, swinging their legs around as they scarfed down their food. He watched them carefully for a few seconds before the door slammed open. He jumped back into the counter, looking at the door.

Eddie smirked and ran over practically falling over into the person who stood in the door frame. He went ahead and kissed him on the cheek, looking at the man. "Hi'ya honey" He grinned from ear to ear and batted his eyelashes at the man.

The man pulled Eddie into a dip and swung him back up. "You're such a dork sometimes man," Steve smiled staring into his eyes for a few moments.

If you looked at them you would get that AGH I WISH THAT WAS ME JEALOUSY FEELING, but also an omg... they are so cute together admiration.

Steve carefully shoved Eddie aside. He was left staring at Steve walk past him, practically drooling over him for a moment, or two.

Steve patted Amber on the head and kissed them on the top of their head then stepped aside and poked at his younger brothers arm. "What did you two get up to last night hm??" Steve raised an eyebrow and crouched down beside the two of them who still sat at the countertop.

Eddie had finally snapped back to reality and pinched at Steve's ass as he walked past him. He flicked at the radio he walked past on his way to the other side of the counter.

He leaned towards the radio and turned it up, completely ignoring the fact Steve was having a conversation with the children. "Eddie- dude c'mon I'm being a good brother and chatting to the-" Eddie began lip syncing along to the song on the radio.

Steve snickered at him chucking a cheerio from Amber's bowl at Eddies forehead. Amber kicked at Steve's leg and crossed her arms like a pouty child.

"JUST THE TWO OFFFFF USSSS" Eddie shouted, singing along to the song; and took Max from his stool and ran into the other room with him.

Steve stared at the two run away, he softly laughed before looking down at Amber. "Look, I'm sorry kid but I needed to borrow that cereal, you know your brother is a little bit of a doofus sometimes right?" He said softly, smiling at her.

Amber nodded very much agreeing with that statement, then flinched at the sound of the loud guitar from Eddie's guitar being plugged into an amp.

"GOD CAN NO ONE GET DECENT REST AROUND HERE?!?! GOD DAMN IT EDDIE." Wayne angrily sat up from the couch, zipping up his pants and walking out to his car, not even caring at this point.

Steve and Amber looked at each other, silent for a moment then bursted out laughing seconds later. He picked her up and bounced her around before running into Eddies room.

The sight they both saw as they walked into the room was, well, beautiful in its own way. Max stood on Eddie's dresser wearing the way too big hellfire shirt, and Eddie was absolutely headbanging and shredding the guitar as he stood on the top of the bed. The sun peered into the windows, the laughing of the room and loud music echoed off the walls of the house.

It was a fantastic morning.

Steve smiled and shouted above the loud guitar, "YOU KNOW THE GUITAR PLAYING IS REALLY-" Eddie stopped playing guitar and looked at Steve, the room silent as he said. "-hot."

Steve slowly blinked and looked at the children. "..ANYWAYS.." he rubbed the back of his neck, and placed down Amber. The kids both shrugged, Eddie placed down the guitar, of course kissing it as he put it down. Then, helped Max down. The kids ran out of the room together, very hyped for the day. Eddie still stood on the bed, looking down at Steve.

God, he looked more handsome then usual today. He grinned a bit to himself. Steve looked up at him, both of them admired each other in silence for a few more moments.

Eddie clicked his tongue, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Steve's neck.

Steve wrapped his arms around Eddies back and held him close to his body, carrying Eddie. "Well.. the kids have left the room, pretty boy." Steve flicked Eddies nose, "Oh.. hush you." Steve said in a quiet raspy voice. Steve flipped Eddie around onto the bed. Steve pressed his lips onto Eddie's, both of them softly laughing. They kissed again when suddenly-

"Steve? Today can we-" Max stared at the two who were quite comfortable laying on Eddies bed.

Steve jumped off of Eddie slamming his own head into the wall. "HEY HEY hey hey bud-" He cleared his throat, standing up quickly. Eddie stayed on the bed, holding a hand over his own mouth, and smiling like a fool. He sat up and rested his head on Steve's shoulder; whispering inappropriate things into his ear.

Steve went red at the face and quickly walked away from Eddie, grabbing Max's hand and walking out the room. Steve flipping off Eddie in a nice way of course before walking out.

Eddie twirled his hair around like a teenage girl, and fell onto his back into the pillows. He imagined scenarios in his head and giggled. He kicked his feet around, hugging and gripping on a nearby pillow.


is it epic or what. hmmmmmmm

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