Rock n Roll baby

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Eddie opened up the box, inside revealed dozens of little bags of different variations of, Special K.

Billy helped himself to one of the bags, and rolled it into a piece of paper. He used a lighter and lit up the end of it.

"No time to waste I see Hargrove." Eddie looked at him carefully, noticing his shirt that revealed most of his chest. He looked away from it and grabbed a bag for himself.

Chrissy was staring at all the bags, Eddie passed one to her. He knew she wouldn't know much about them or which she should even use. It was better to help her with that. "Thanks-" She said softly, and went to open up the bag.

"So Munson, you and Steve hey?" Billy spoke up, exhaling the smoke into the air. Eddie rolled his paper up, pressing it to his lips. "Mmhm, indeed we are together." He took a puff of it, resting it in-between his two fingers.

"He's been getting pretty cozy with Wheeler though, hasn't he." Billy raised an eyebrow, staring directly into Eddie's eyes. Chrissy sat there quietly, minding her own business. "He has, but I trust him." He looked up smiling at Billy.

"Of course yeah, sorry i didn't mean to bring that up. Just making sure you knew at least." Billy placed down the cigarette, and pulled out a case of beer from his bag. "Interested?" He leaned forward towards Eddie, grabbing his hands.

"Wild night, right?"

Billy said quieter, looking at Chrissy after. He almost gave her a kind of 'go-away' look.

She blinked a few times, looking at him then at Eddie. "I think i'll head home anyways, Jason will suspect something- Thanks for the, you know." She hugged Eddie before leaving.

"Huh, Guess it's just us then?" Eddie said, as he pulled away from Billy's grasp, and took a beer. "I don't normally drink, you've come over me I suppose."

He struggled to take the cap off the top of it. Billy took it, and bit it off for him. He spit the cap onto the ground.

"So you're not with anyone?" Eddie questioned him, as he slid the beer back to himself. He took a sip and studied him for a few moments. This man is definitely not straight.

Eddie thought, as he waited for an answer. "Well, That's complicated you see. I've been sleeping with many people, but not really a committed relationship you know?" Billy opened his own beer. "Fair.. very fair I get that completely. I'm still surprised myself that I have a boyfriend." Eddie adjusted in his seat.

"Though, will he stay your boyfriend. Is the real question."

"Why do you keep pressing that comment today." 

"Well i did see him crawl out the window of Nancys bedroom, that's a tad suspicious isn't it?"

Eddie paused, looking at him for a few moments. Then he took a big gulp of beer. "Huh. From the window.. Didn't know that factor."

His ring clinked against the beer bottle, as he moved it around in his hands. "Are you good? I thought you knew that part, I apologize." Billy reached an arm out and empathetically placed it on Eddie's arm. "..I'm fine, but enough about Steve. Tonight's about us!"

He leaned forward in his seat.

"Tell me about yourself Hargrove." He said in a hushed tone.


Meanwhile, At the Wheelers house:

Steve, Nancy, and Mike were all in the basement of the house watching television together. They were watching some stupid cheesy show.
Though, Steve was very invested in it.

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