I missed the normal.

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Eddie and Steve's weekend went by normally, they spent all the time they could with each other.

The rest of the time was spent with the band, or when Steve had to work. Eddie was feeling better, he told himself he was just overreacting; and dismissed any idea of negativity between Steve's and Nancy's relationship.

It was now Monday at 7 AM.

Steve basically lived at the Munson's trailer, he barely ever went home. But, Eddie wouldn't have it any other way. He loved Steve. He just hadn't admitted that to him yet.

Eddie was laying across Steve's chest, his arms wrapped around his waist. He was awake but wouldn't dare to move from this position. Eddie thought, and kissed Steve's chest and made his way up to his face.

He watched at Steve slept so peacefully. Eddie stuck his tongue out and licked Steve's cheek to wake him up. "..Eddie." Steve said in a low raspy tired sounding voice.

"Morning you." Eddie simply said, as he ran his hands along Steve's bare chest. "It's Monday right?.. Agh." Steve said, groaning as he lightly shoved Eddie off of him and rolled onto his stomach, so that his face was smushed into a pillow. "Mmhm it is, that means we should probably get ready?"

Eddie sat up, running a finger down Steve's spine. That gave Steve chills. He laughed turning around to look at Eddie. "Fine, we're up then." Steve got up and picked up Eddie. "Woah okay where are we going mr-"

Steve pressed Eddie up against the wall. Eddie's legs were wrapped around Steve's waist. It gave him butterflies as he felt Steve be so, spontaneous this early in the morning. "Now this is a great morning idea. I would love to go along with it, except we have to drop Amber off at school today.." Eddie said softly, wrapping his arms around Steve's neck, and feeling his shoulders.

Steve exhaled, "Kiss me at least."

Eddie leaned into him, stopping right before his lips touched Steve's.

"You wish."

Eddie hopped down from Steve's grasp, laughing as he walked away. "Well that was not very nice Munson." Steve walked after him. Eddie giggled, and hushed Steve. "Just wait until later, It'll be worth it."

Eddie had said with that big smirk on his face. He opened the fridge and grabbed a few eggs from the carton. He turned on the stove and placed down a frying pan.

"..Speaking of tonight." Steve spoke up.

"Mmhm?" Eddie looked up at Steve, then back down at the pan; watching as it heated up. "Nancy, invited me over again."

Eddie stayed quiet, cracking the eggs into the pan. He watched as the yolk from one of the eggs broke and ran across the pan. "And you're going?" He finally responded to him.

"If that's okay with you, I know last time there was a reaction from you. If you're uncomfortable with it I won't go my love." Steve stepped closer to Eddie, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You can go, as i said, you don't need to ask for permission. I'm not your parental guardian."

He tossed the egg shells into the trash. "But yeah that's fine with me, I need to visit someone after school anyways." Eddie added, then went to season the eggs. "Cool cool, I'll wake up Amber then. We're good?" He said to Eddie softly.

Steve didn't want to ask who he was hanging with; Eddie deserved that privacy, and well he was hanging out with Nancy so Eddie deserves to hang out with anyone.

"We're more then good, we're perfect. Now go be a good mother and wake up Amber please-"

Eddie served the eggs onto three plates, already shoving a mouthful of eggs into his mouth. He watched at Steve walked out the room, exhaling once he left the room. Maybe it did bother him, his hanging out with Nancy. But he just wanted Steve to be happy, he didn't want to be the reason he was stuck at home doing nothing instead.


The school day went by normally, Nancy and Steve got along better in their science class together; They actually sat together for once in the class. Eddie had a fine day, mostly just awaiting for after school anticipation. Though, he enjoyed lunchtime because he got to sit amongst his other freaks.

It was 4 PM that day.

Steve stood outside his car, leaning against the side door. He watched as Eddie walked out the school, alone, and walked over slowly to Steve. Usually he was more excited to see him but, whatever. Steve brushed it off his mind.

"Hi there Harrington~"

Eddie pecked Steve's cheek, then opened the backseat door to the car. "Hi- What are you doing I just cleaned up back there." Eddie was rummaging through the back seat, throwing down his school bag as well.

Finally, he pulled out a small box from under the passengers seat. "For my hang out." Eddie smirked, holding the box close to him as he stood up and looked at Harrington. "You're hanging out right now? I thought we'd have a bit of time. Then we would both branch off to go to our separate things." Steve said in a slightly confused tone.

"Change of plans big boy"

Eddie leaned on the cars door as well, Steve ran his hand up Eddie's arm and ran it all along him until he made his way up to his jawline.

He held Eddie's face in his hand, "Well be careful with your mystery box items, and with whoever you're hanging out with." He said to Eddie, before kissing him.

"Of course I will, always am." He said back to Steve, before kissing him again. But quickly he pulled away and ran from Steve towards two people who just exited the school doors. Steve turned and got into his car, he watched for a few moments to see who it was

It was Billy Hargrove, and Chrissy Cunningham. Eddie wrapped his arms around the two of them, they all talked as they approached the forest that was at the back of the school.

What an odd group of people. Steve thought, biting his lip, then finally pulled out of the school parking lot.

Billy was wearing a silk blue shirt, it was unbuttoned to reveal his chest. He had his usual dark tight denim jeans on, and his hair was perfection.

Chrissy had her cheerleading outfit on, as usual.

Finally, Eddie was wearing a tight black t-shirt, with his usual denim vest thrown on top of it. As well as his usual pair of black jeans.

The three made their way to the spot in the forest. There was an open space with a picnic bench, after you walked about 7 minutes into the forest.

Billy and Chrissy sat down on the opposite side on the table, Eddie sat across from them. He placed his box on the table first, then he sat down after it.

"Are we ready for a wild night."
He smirked as he opened the box.

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