The beginning to many.

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Mike opened the front door, looking up at Steve Harrington who stood there, looking  a lost puppy for a few moments.

"Can I help you?"

Mike said, holding the phone in his hand, and his other hand on the door frame. "Oh- .. I'm here to see Nancy." He looked at the phone, then back up at Mike. He noticed that Mike was eyeing him weirdly for a few moments before responding.

"Aren't you dating Eddie?" He said sternly.

"..Aren't you dating Byers?" Steve replied with.

"Point taken."

  He swung the door open, holding it wide open for Steve to walk in. "Right- So was she just in her room?" He closed the door behind him, and wiped his shoes off on the mat. Mike already was gone from the room, walking up the stairs as he talked on the phone. ".. Okay then.." He said, mumbling to himself before he walked up to Nancys room.

  The door was wide open when he came up to it. Nancy was sitting on her bed, flipping through a magazine; her radio loudly blaring whatever was most popular at the moment. There was the sunset beaming in through her bedroom window. He observed the room for a few moments, then went to knock- Before he did, Nancy looked at him. "Why are you just watching the room Steve? You've been in here a few times- Obviously..." She smirked a bit-

Oh that's what she was referring to.

(Steve had been to her place a few times, when they were just friends, they spent all day in that room; talking, and even making out sometimes. But that's just how their friendship was, until she caught feelings for him. And he gained feelings for Eddie. )

   He thought, laughing awkwardly as he walked in the room. She patted the bed beside her, he sat down across from her on it. "Eddie was alright with you coming over right?" She said, breaking the once again silence; Then went to shut her bedroom door, sitting down once again. "Mhm! Perfectly cool with it, from what I could tell at least."

  He licked his lips then continued to talk, "What exactly did we need to study for science?" He placed his bag on the bed, rummaging through it. "Right- The newest thing confused me a bit, Did you understand that part?" She turned to look at her bedside table. It had a pair of glasses, a lamp, her radio, and a stack of books on it. She took one of the books, flipping through it before she looked up at Steve. ".. I cant lie I was not listening at all this recent thing-"

"Well perfect then, we can learn together." She smiled, then scooted closer to him, and they began to study.

Hours passed by, It was now 9:30 PM that night. Eddie was just getting back to the trailer from dropping Max off at his house. He carried Amber in his arms, she was dead asleep from the park adventure they had.

Eddie made them fight with sticks like they were swords, and used different playground areas as their bases. He swung open the door, and looked around. Steve wasn't back yet. He thought, biting his lip tightly. Eddie walked into Amber's room and placed her into the bed. He took off her shoes, placing them on the ground, and then tucked her into bed. He kissed her on the forehead, and left the room quickly. She stayed asleep for all of that.

Eddie walked into his room, and tore off his sweater. He threw on a tight white muscle shirt, then he slipped off his black jeans, and threw on black sweatpants.

How long do people study for?

He thought, adjusting his ponytail, still leaving it up.

No i'm not jealous, I just think this is an excessive time to study. And i simply miss Steve. That's all. Not thinking about what they could possibly be doing.

He told himself that as he walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge from Wayne.

It read; "I made pasta for you two, heat it up in the microwave if you get hungry."

He smiled at it, then grabbed a nearby pen. He bit the cap of the lid off, holding it between his teeth as he drew a little heart on the bottom of the note Wayne wrote.

Eddie placed the note and the pen back. He opened the fridge, reaching for the pasta when he stopped. There was a case of beer in the side door. He raised an eyebrow, One beer with dinner wouldn't hurt. He took, two beers as well as the serving of pasta.

It was now 10:10 PM.

A half n hour had went by.
Eddie was on the couch with the whole case of beer; he had drank half of the case. His pasta left untouched on the coffee table. His hair was all messed up, in a low, coming undone ponytail. His wavy hair was frizzy.

"I should- bathe." He said out loud to himself, looking around the room.

"Steve-y?.." He said sleepily, yawning as he grabbed a pillow and rested his head on it. His eyes finally focused, and he looked at the beer in front of him.

It was now 12:00 AM.

Nancy and Steve were in her room still, laughing as they watched some stupid cheesy television program. It felt nice, it was just like old times. As the episode of the show ended, Nancy yawned and looked at the time. "Do you wanna stay the night?" He quickly turned his head, raising an eyebrow at her. "Not in a weird way. Just because it's late, and I have missed spending time with you." She added.

  He ran his hand across his forehead, thinking, then he looked at the clock.
"Agh. I shouldn't I didn't even tell Eddie what time I would be out until.." He got up, throwing his books into his backpack.

"Fair. But- Will you come over, again sometime?"

  She said softly as she stood up, standing beside him. "Most likely, yes, the studying actually really helped. And, I did enjoy the watching tv part as well." He swung his bag around his shoulder.
"Well i'm glad then! I cant lie, i didn't really need to study. I just missed hanging out with you." She smiled,

"As friends you know" She added, then hugged him instantly. He blinked, pulling her in and hugged her back.

"But you should leave through the window, parents would hear the front door and that would leave a whole conversation with them why you didn't leave earlier and-"

"Gotcha- Like old times." He made his way to the window, walked down the shingles and slid down the tree just like how he used to do.

Steve then made his way back to Eddie's place for the night. It would be good to check on him, and he liked sleeping there better than his own bed. It was so quiet in his house.

  In the distance of Nancys house, Billy Hargrove was smoking on the step of a persons house; He watched as Steve climbed out of the Wheelers house's window. Obviously he wasn't crawling out of Mikes room, Ms. Wheeler wasn't an option for him, so all that left was. He came out of Nancys room.

Billy figured, putting out the cigarette onto the concrete sidewalk. He watched at Steve drove away from the house.

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