We arent.

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It was 7 PM.

Steve and Nancy were comfortable on the couch, watching a stupid movie with Mike; who had just gotten home from the campaign. They watched as they usually did.

Steve liked going over to the Wheelers place, it gave him a sense of a family feeling. His parents were barely ever home, and yes he had his brother Max. But this just felt like a whole other level of family.

"Was the campaign good buddy?" Steve leaned over and placed a hand on Mike's shoulder.

"We lost, but Eddie won. It was a sick last move that he pulled so honestly, I cant complain for the loss."

Steve smiled, nodding. He couldn't wait to hear Eddie rave about his night later that day. He missed that weirdo.

"Well i'm glad it was a great time. And glad you can still come and hang back with us after the long night still."

"Of course yeah I like hanging with you, it's pretty cool how you-"

Mike stopped talking, he felt a set of eyes staring at him. He exhaled, turning to face Nancy. She was almost glaring at Mike.

Mike said, glaring back at her.

"Could you get me a soda, please."

She said, scooting over closer to Steve. "God why cant you get it, i'm having a conversation here."

"Please." She said sternly.

Mike groaned and stormed up the stairs to go and get it. Steve uncomfortably shifted in his seat, and slowly leaned back to his spot. "So, Steve. I actually was wondering. We've been hanging out again a lot like how we used to. And it's been really nice right?"

She said with a smile on her face, her hands were fiddling around with the skirt she was wearing. Though she kept an eye carefully placed on Steve still. "We have yeah, it has been super fun. I agree with that." Steve said casually, looking at the movie that was still playing.

He felt Nancy scoot even closer to him, so that they sat thigh to thigh touching. "We've basically done everything we used to as friends." She said quieter, looking at the movie, then back at Steve.

"Well almost everything, if you know what I mean."

Nancy smiled at him.

"Well I am with Eddie, care about him so much you know he is so great, such a freak sometimes."

He awkwardly laughed. He felt frozen in place, just of awkwardness.

"But don't you miss the other things?.. Like. Kissing a girl, maybe."

She laid a hand on Steve's thigh. "Nancy what the hell are you doing, I come here as a friend and you-"

Nancy shut him up by pressing her lips to his. Steve pulled away from her, and stood up immediately. He felt sick to his stomach, having a god what just happened feeling.

He felt it rise up in his throat. Nancy stood up fast and grabbed Steve's hands. Steve's hands were shaking. She hugged Steve.

"Look. Im sorry. I just missed us, so much. Even if we were only friends, that was so good. We are good. We work together.. I won't tell Eddie, if that's what you're thinking." She stood on her tip toes, kissing Steve again. She held a tight grip around his waist so that he couldn't pull away at first.

Mike dropped his the glass cup of soda down the stairs, stunned as he stared at the two kissing.

"..What the f-"

Mike ran up the stairs. Steve pulled away from Nancy fast. "NANCY- WHAT THE HELL." Steve panicked, sprinting up the stairs after Mike.

Nancy watched as he ran, she softly smiled and picked up Steve's sweater that he left on the couch. She sat down on the couch with it.

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