What the hell is happening

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That night, Steve was more quiet then usual. But Eddie didn't notice because he was too busy raving and talking his head off about absolutely everything.

The next morning, Steve was up bright and early. Mostly from the sick feeling he had. The guilt was eating him up on the inside, it made him feel like throwing up.

Eddie laid in bed, for a while. His brain began to wander, Why was Steve so quiet anyways. He bit the inside of his cheek until it bled. He winced, pressing a finger to the inside of his cheek. Exhaling, he got up and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a Dr. Pepper he found inside the fridge:

He poured it into a mug and sipped it like it was coffee.

Steve walked out of the bathroom, it looked like he had just had a shower. Eddie thought, then smiled at him. He stayed quiet though, taking another sip of the drink. "Let me have some of your coffee."

Steve took the mug from Eddie, and sipped it. He stared back at Steve, smiling mischievously. Steve silently spit the drink back into the mug.

"Dr Pepper, Sorry love."

Eddie took the mug back and sipped from the mug. "..Anyways, did you have plans today?" Steve reached for a different mug, and turned on the actual coffee machine.

"Well, school for one thing. Anddd, then Billy seeing, probably." He leaned against the counter, the chain from his pants hitting into the counter as he did. "Right, school, school."

Why did this whole conversation feel so awkward.

Eddie thought to himself, as he finished the rest of his Dr Pepper. He set down the mug by the sink.


Eddie simply replied with, walking out the room and slammed his door. If Steve could be awkward and weird, he could simply do the same back. Steve turned his head and looked at the closed door. Shit. Should i tell him now? .. Or like wait a bit.

The front door opened. "Oh- Good morning Billy." Steve grabbed his mug that was now filled with coffee. Steve walked towards him, Billy shoved past him and walked into Eddie's room. "HEY IM CHANGING HERE-" Eddie screeched from in the room, Billy shut the door behind him. Okay. Weird.

Steve shut the front door, because Billy didn't have the manners to close it after.

"Do you need a ride to school!?" Steve shouted toward Eddie's room. "I really need to talk to you Munson." He shouted again. Billy came out from the room, and looked at Steve.

"He doesn't need a ride; pretty boy."

Billy opened the front door. Eddie ran out from his room, sprinting down the hallway. "See you later lovely boy" Eddie kissed Steve, he looked at him for a few moments.

"You have something to tell me?" Eddie placed a hand on Steve's waist. "It's about Nancy's last night." Steve said quietly.

"Eddie." Billy shouted from out the door.

"Shit- Tell me at lunch okay? At our spot."

Eddie kissed Steve again then ran out the door. He slid into the passengers seat of Billy's car.

He automatically sped away, the tires screeching at the sudden adjustment of speed. Steve bit his lip, Shit. The longer he waited the worse it was going to get. Steve grabbed his bag from the couch, and ran out the door into his car.

"What was so urgent that you needed to rush me out the door, from my boyfriend and into your car." Eddie grabbed a granola bar he found on the ground of Billy's car. The wind blew through his hair, and the radio played quietly, not as loud as it usually was.

"Listen man, It's about Steve." Billy placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder. Eddie went quiet.


Dustin was on the sidewalk with Mike, they both shouted. "HAVE YOU TOLD HIM YET?" Eddie raised an eyebrow.

"Fucking told me what?" Billy turned the car, and pulled into a parking spot. Dustin and Mike ran over to the car. "No, you shitheads I haven't told him yet." He flicked Dustin in the head, then looked at Eddie; who did, not look happy.

"Told me what Hargrove." He threw down the granola bar wrapper. All three boys began talking at once, overlapping with different variations and words of random shit. Mike yelled loudly over top of them both.

"STEVE AND NANCY KISSED." They all went silent after that.

Eddie stared at Mike.

"You're, lying."

"I swear to god I saw it with my own eyes."

Mike crossed his arms. "Look, im sorry Eddie-" Eddie held an arm out, doing a shushing movement towards him. They went quiet again.

"Eddie-" Billy said.

Eddie stood up on Billy's seat, and hopped out of the car. He sped walked into the front doors of the school. He marched towards Nancy's fucking locker.

She stood there in a perfectly pink, stupid ass ironed dress. Her shoes, were flats and her hair was perfectly perfect perfection as usual.

"Wheeler." He shouted as he walked closer to Nancy. She turned around and leaned her back against the lockers. He pinned her against the lockers, his hands pressed beside each side of her head.

"Is it true."

His eyes were filling with tears. Fuck he was not about to cry right now in front of her. He held them back, and stared at her with anger and hurt in his eyes.

"Is what true, Eddie." She looked up at him.

"You sure as hell know what i'm talking about." "I sure as hell don't."

She ducked down and picked up her books that sat on the ground. "Now i really have to get to class, so if you'll excuse me, freak." She walked past him.

God he wanted to race after her and grab the back of her head and slam it into the cement. But, that wasn't very polite now was it. Plus, he really didn't have the energy to do so.

He blinked back tears, the warm steaming tears rolled down his cheeks.

Eddie Munson ran out of the school.

a/n - sorry guys </3

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