Our day at school

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It was the same day of that lovely morning they had. Steve drove the two kids to their kindergarten class, then drove both Eddie and him to school.

Steve's car was a roofless, cherry red car, with the stereos always blaring whatever stuff Eddie was into at the moment. He turned the wheel, glancing at the people passing by before he turned toward a parking spot. It was a warmer morning, the sun especially bright.

Eddie flicked at Steve's mop of hair. He had a hand on Steve's thigh as they drove the whole way there. Steve reached to the other seat and shoulder checked behind him before reversing the car into a spot. He switched the gear and put the car into park.

Eddie looked at him for a few moments, smiling, as he watched Steve immediately look in the mirror and run his fingers through his hair. "You know you always look," Eddie batted his eyelashes, "..devishly handsome Mr., I believe the hair is good enough.. you did spend more time in the bathroom then me, and I do contain longer hair then you." He ran his hands through his own curly, greasy mess of a hair look he had going on.

"Well, its just a quick, fix you know. Gotta impress the crowd, totally."

Steve said, grinning at him. "Oh totally gotta impress your number one fans, oh my god Steve Harrington!! Have my children my love, my dearest you're soooo hot!!" Eddie mimicked at what he thought the women were like.

He hopped out the vehicle, grabbing his backpack from the backseat and slid it over his shoulder. "Oh of course cause that's how every woman on this earth acts for me, but you have to admit you're right up there with them with how dramatic you can be."

Steve smirked as he got out the car as well, slamming the door. Eddie walked past the car towards Steve, sitting on the hood of the car. He crossed his legs, looking up at Steve. "And you enjoy that, don't ya big boy."

Steve smiled and shook his head before shoving Eddie off the hood of the car, "Oh c'mon you know the rules more then anyone." He rubbed the hood off his car with spit and his sleeve of his jacket. They walked side by side and playfully shoved into each other as they walked into the front doors of the school.

Steve held the door open for Eddie, "I can do that myself my love-" Steve grabbed his waist and walked past him at the same time, fighting him through the singular doorway.

They both laughed, Eddie going quiet as he looked up at the person in front of the two of them. Steve looked at him, then at the person. "Good morning Steve Harrington," Nancy closed her locker, and looked at the two of them, smiling at Steve, and not really facing towards Eddie.

"Oh- Good morning Nancy! The pink sweater looks great, compliments you." He said back to her, then turned to look at Eddie- who was already gone from the scene. Steve looked back down at Nancy.

She was wearing a flowered patterned skirt, and a pink cardigan on top of it. She had her hair in a half up half down, messy look. Her big brown eyes stared at Steve, she was almost enchanted at his look.

He had a tight black long sleeved shirt on, tucked into his denim jeans, and his brown jacket thrown on top. He of course, had one of Eddies rings on as well because he was told that he needed more accessories.

After a few moments of silence, she stopped staring. "Anyways, ill see you in two periods for science." She tucked her hair behind her ear as she walked away.

For a bit of context, Nancy had a very extreme big crush on Steve at the beginning of the school year, and he maybe liked her a bit too, but was unsure. He kept having that boy who was, really dramatic, free, and weird, on his mind too much.

Eddie Munson caught his eyes instead, when Nancy found out Steve wasn't interested anymore, she got weird. Of course when Steve and Eddie started dating, he filled Eddie in on everything, so Eddie never really felt comfortable around Nancy after that.

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