Chap 62- Sorting things out

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Swara was making flower malas while pandit ji was chanting the mantras. Sanskar was looking at her.  He picked up a flower and threw at her while no one was looking. Swara looked at him with an angry expression on her face. She heard her phone beep and saw that there was a text from him- " Why dont you come here and sit with me?"

"Are you serious! Maa, deeda everyone is here." she texted him back.

"All right, I am coming to you then." he texted her.

Her expression turned into shock when she read his text. Before she could text anything, he had already gotten up from his place and was walking towards her.

"Durga maa," she said to herself," why is Sanskar so stubborn? What will maa and deeda think?"

Sanskar came and stood next to her. Addressing Sumitra, he said- "Kaki maa, may I sit next to Swara please. I will help her in making the flower malas. In that way, I can also earn some punya."

Sharmishtha smiled and nodded.

Sanskar sat down next to Swara. She smiled looking at him and whispered to him," why are you so stubborn?"

"I just wanted to help," he spoke in an innocent voice.

Swara rolled her eyes and they continued making the malas.

Meanwhile, Ragini had cleaned her face and brushed her hair. She carried her dupatta nicely and walked out of the room into the main hall. She came and quietly sat down next to Swara.

"Are you all right now?" Swara asked her.

Ragini nodded and said," I need to have a word with you Swara. After the pooja, can you please come over to my house?"

Swara nodded sensing that something was definitely wrong.

Ragini looked at Lakshya who was busy on a phone call with his parents.

"Shall I tell him?" she thought," what if Arjun tells him something else?"

"But................" she said to herself," he wont be able to control his anger then. And.........I think I should speak to Swara first."


Swara served Sharmishtha and deeda dinner and excused herself to go to Ragini's house lying that she needed some books from her. Sharmishtha did not like her going to Shekhar's house, so Swara always needed some excuse to go there.

"What are you doing here so late at night?" Parwati asked her.

"I........I needed some books from Ragini," Swara said.

"Books?" said Parwati," I will ask laado to give you your books."

"Laado,!..." Parwati called her.

"Yes dadi maa," said Ragini as she came running downstairs.

"Your friend needs some books. Give it to her so that she can go home, else that bangalan and her daughter will again badmouth us."

"But daadi maa," said Ragini," cant she come to my room? I have to explain her some parts from the chapter."

Parwati rose from her armchair and walked towards Ragini.

"Laado," she said sternly," last time, you tarnished our family reputation just to help your friend. But your dada ji has forgiven you. If this time, you do any such thing again I will not spare you. Is that clear?"

Ragini nodded with an afraid look in her eyes. Parwati then allowed Swara to go to Ragini's room with her.

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