Chap 40- Na jane kya kho raha hai

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That night, neither of them could sleep. Though Ragini had got her wounds dressed and bandaged and she had taken a painkiller too, yet the pain would not let her sleep. More than the injuries on her body, the wounds in her heart were hurting her.

"I know," she thought," that Lakshya got really mad at me. I know it was wrong of me to ignore him but......but what if he just considers me a good friend and my love for him ruins our friendship. I really dont want that to happen."

Swara was lying down right next to her. Though her eyes were closed, she was wide awake. Going back home meant going back to Anurag and......and she had no wish to go back to him.

The next morning was a cool and windy one. The students were slowly taking their seats in the bus. Swara had already taken her medicine this time. She was fast asleep with her head on Ragini's shoulder.

Ragini saw Lakshya and Sanskar walk into the bus. Ragini and Lakshya looked at each other for a moment before looking away.

"Lakshya," Sanskar stopped him and said," You were silent all night. Are you okay? Is your shoulder still hurting?"

"I dont know Sanskar," said Lakshya,"I really dont know." Saying so, he walked ahead to take his seat.

Ragini put her hand into her handbag and took out the pain relief gel she had got from the dispensary. She held it in her hands and thought," Last night I had asked Dev to give it to him. But upon knowing that I had sent it, he slammed the door on his face. What do I do now?"

Sanskar stopped for a moment to look at Swara. He recalled the first time he had seen her with those balloons, the time when she had giggled at the thought of him believing in vampires, the time when she had kept her head on his shoulder..............

"Memories," he thought," are beautiful!"

Sanskar walked ahead and took his seat right next to Lakshya. He was slowly beginning to realise how unhappy he felt at the thought of losing Swara. He was longing to hear her voice. Since last night, they both hadnt spoken to each other at all.

"Wake up Swara," he whispered looking at her with pleading eyes," this bus ride might be our last chance to speak with each other."

"Did you say something?" Lakshya asked him.

"No," said Sanskar," I was, its nothing."

Swara was dreaming about her engagement with Anurag. It wasnt a happy dream for her. She saw her mother give the engagement ring to Anurag which he was about to put on her finger. She saw herself on the verge of an emotional breakdown and pull her hand away. She then saw Anurag holding her hand forcefully and making her wear the ring. "Leave me!" she heard herself say in her dream,"I will not marry you. Never......." As she was trying to free her hand, she saw someone grabbing Anurag's arm. She looked upto to see who it was.

"Sanskar!" she said, not only in her dream but also out aloud. But none other than Ragini had heard it. Swara was awake now and her eyes were searching for Sanskar.

"He is sitting at the back with Lakshya," Ragini told her," Whats the matter Swara?"

Swara turned around and saw Sanskar talking to Lakshya.

"I," said Swara," I had a bad dream about Sanskar. Thats it."

"Dont worry," said Ragini," Last night was a nightmare for us. Things will get better once we get back."

"Better?" thought Swara," how can anything get better for me?"

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