Chap 20- Jo na keh sake hum

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"But we can at least visit the candle store today," said Ragini in despair. The students had arrived at their destination which was a comfortable
inn in the hillstation. The weather had suddenly turned stormy from bright and sunny. So sadly, the students were forced to stay indoors.

"I dont think so," said Lakshya," Its raining outside and its better we stay in."

"But we are here on a trip," said Misha,"This weather is ruining all our plans."

"Cheer up now all of you," said Swara,"I have spoken to the inn keeper. She says that the rain might stop in the evening. We all can rest until then."

"Swara," Ragini whispered to her,"Would you now please show me Anurag's picture. I want to see how he looks."

"A picture?" Swara hesitated," All right. Let me see if.......Okay, this one looks nice."

Ragini saw a beautiful picture of Anurag and his sister Kajal standing next to the Goddess Durga idol. She instantly recognised Kajal and said," Oh dear! I remember how this poor girl slipped and sprained her ankle that day. How careless of me to have dropped the ghee onto the floor. Is she all right now?"

"She is much better," said Swara," And it wasnt your fault Ragini."

"Who else is there in the family," Ragini asked her.

"His parents," Swara replied.

"Wonderful," said Ragini," Are you happy Swara?"

"What are you two talking about?" Lakshya asked them.

"Nothing," said Swara," nothing at all."

Swara hurriedly walked away from them pretending to go to the washroom.

Sanskar was admiring the beauty of the place by gazing outside through the glass window. Swara was passing by him when she suddenly stopped.

"Sanskar," she called out to him.

"Yes," he turned around to look at her.

"I.......I need your help with something," she said.

"What is it?" he asked her.

"Ragini had once mentioned about a song you sung at the farewell party of your school."

"Yes," he said feeling nostalgic," I remember."

"May I please have the lyrics? And the rhythm too?"

"Sure," he said," But why all of a sudden do you need a farewell song?"

"I.......I just need it.....please," she said.

"I wonder if Swara will stay happy with Anurag," Ragini said to herself," He seems to be a nice person but..........."

"Where are you lost?" Lakshya's voice snapped her out of her chain of thoughts.

"Wedding," she said absent- mindedly.

"Whose wedding?" he asked.

"My wedding," she said," I was thinking about my wedding. I think I will have my wedding in a hillstation as beautiful as this."

"Okay," said Lakshya sitting down next to her," Thats a nice idea. But will your papa and dadi maa agree?"

"Maybe," she said," or maybe not. I dont know."

"First tell me why you need that song?" Sanskar was adamant.

"Well," said Swara," I am planning to modify it and sing it for my maa and deeda during my engagement. The ceremony is not too far away and I really want to make maa and deeda feel very special."

"But its a farewell song," said Sanskar,"The lyrics are not what you are looking for........."

"On the contrary," Swara interrupted him," They are exactly what I am looking for."

"Its good that you are clear about so many things in life," Lakshya told Ragini," Sometimes, I feel so lost."

"There is no harm in being a wanderer and explorer," said Ragini," Lakshya, have you ever tried taking the support of ancient chants and mantras for gaining clarity in life?"

"What!" said Lakshya," I dont even know what you are talking about."

"You will know in an instant," said Ragini," Close your eyes and listen to me as I sing. Trust me, you wont regret this."

"All right," said Lakshya closing his eyes as Ragini began to sing-

Though Lakshya couldnt understand a single word, yet he listened carefully. He listened with his heart, paying attention to the rhythm as well as Ragini's melodious voice. Very soon, he felt the heaviness in his head decline and a wave of relaxation swept over him.

"What do you know now?" asked Ragini once she had stopped singing.

"I know that I am feeling better now," replied Lakshya.

"I have always used music to heal myself and gain clarity in life," said Ragini.

"I understand," said Lakshya getting up," If you dont mind, I have a call to attend."

"Sure," Ragini replied politely.

"Devi maa," Ragini whispered to herself, " As a result of your blessing, I now have an idea about whats going on within me."

Ragini hurriedly dialled her grandmother's number.

"Laado, Shekhar told me you called earlier. I am so relieved that you reached safely."

"Dadi maa, there is something I really need to share with you."

"What is it laado? Whats the matter?"

"Dadi maa," said Ragini hesitating a little," I........I havent been able to find my inner peace ever since maa passed away. I have always experienced a restlessness which seemed to have no cure. But today, devi maa has shown me the way........

Dadi maa, I want to study in Bidya kaki's ashram....I already have the blessing of music and now I want to combine this with kaki maa's teachings and wisdom. I know dadi maa that you wont be very pleased, but I promise that my college studies wont suffer at all."

"But laado, how will we convince Shekhar about this? He will get so mad on hearing this."

"Please dadi maa, this is the first time I am insisting on something........."

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