Chap 26- Dil se dil tak

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"I am sorry maa, I didnt know that Anurag would be so much upset about this," Swara was having a conversation with her mother over the phone. She was standing beneath a beautiful lush green tree with bright yellow flowers blossoming on every branch. The winds shook the branches a little and few soft petals fell upon her silken hair locks.

"Swara," her mother spoke sternly," You are getting married. This isnt a small thing. Please, dont ruin anything for us. Veena ji sounded so upset today."

"Swara!" Sanskar's voice put a halt to their conversation.

Swara turned around to face him.

"Misha is waiting for you at the tea stall," he said.

"Maa," Swara whispered into the phone," I will call you later and once again, I am really sorry." Saying so, Swara disconnected the call and she and Sanskar walked over to the tea stall.

"Where is Lakshya?" Swara asked Sanskar once they had arrived.

"He didnt seem very pleased with the fact that Ragini has gone to the candle store with Arjun. He has gone there as well."

"I see," said Swara taking the small glass of tea from the vendor.

"The weather is cold, isnt it?" Sanskar asked her.

"Yes, it is," she said sipping her tea.

"I prefer warm days," he said.

"I see," she said," I hope we will have bright sunshine tomorrow."

"Who knows?" said Sanskar," It has been raining on and off for quite a while now."

"Seriously Ragini, how can you enjoy shopping with someone so boring!" Lakshya was ranting non-stop.

"Will you please lower your voice," Ragini scolded him," Arjun is standing right there."

"And what is it about candles that you like so much?" Lakshya asked angrily,"Are you planning on arranging a candle light dinner with Sanskar?"

Ragini felt quite hurt by his words. She had thought that Lakshya would have understood what had happened between her and Sanskar and respect their friendship. But his statements were showing her his thoughts.

"Maybe," she said looking at him,"Sanskar likes candlelit evenings. He was the one who always made sure that he, I, you and Misha always enjoyed our school times together. It isnt a bad idea to rekindle some memories."

Lakshya paused for a minute realising what he had just said.

"Ragini, I.......I didnt mean to say that............I just.................I am sorry," he said.

"Its not okay Lakshya," she said," Its not okay for me to be accused of things that arent my fault. It wasnt my fault that Sanskar and I could not be together. It wasnt my fault that he was so hurt."

"Ragini!" Arjun called out to her," See, I bought these silver candlesticks for my mom."

"They are beautiful," she said," Your mom will love them."

"Mr. Arjun," said Lakshya angrily," Would you please excuse us for a minute. Ragini and I have things to talk about."

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