Captive Audience

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Simmons, Grif, Ash, and Donut are seen standing on Red Base while Lopez and Sarge stand on the ground as an earthquake happens.

Simmons, Grif, Ash, and Donut are seen standing on Red Base while Lopez and Sarge stand on the ground as an earthquake happens

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Lopez: Estos terremotos parecen estar empeorando.[These earthquakes seem to be getting worse.]

Sarge: Good point, Lopez. I don't understand what you said, but you presented it in such a confident manner that it must be right.

Grif: Man, that new robot really seems to be fitting in around here.

"Yeah, I noticed..." Simmons says.

"He's pretty popular." Grif says.


Donut speaks up. "Yeah, even though no one understands him, people seem to really want to get past the rough, robotic exterior and get to know the inner Lopez."

"Sooo happy for him." Simmons says.

"He adds great culture to this unit." Ash says.


Donut:  Wait. Was that sarcasm?

Grif: Yeah, dude. I have to admit, that was off the charts even for my sarcastic meter.

Lopez: He notado un patrón en la actividad sísmica. Requiere mayor estudio.[I have noticed a pattern in the seismic activity. It needs further study.]

Sarge: Hahaha! Oh, good one Lopez! Man, you are a riot.

Lopez: No, usted no me entiende.[No, you don't understand me.]

Grif: Ha ha! Man, all that and the guy's a comedian. God, I wish my sidekick could be funny like that. What's your problem, Simmons?

"What?" Simmons asks. "You don't even know what he said, how could it be funny?"

Grif: Whatever. I guess you just had to be there.

Simmons: I was right here!

Lopez: Deja de reírte. Requiero acceso a los siguientes equipos: Sismógrafo, Sismógrafo avanzado...[Stop laughing. I need access to the following equipment: Seismograph, Advanced Seismograph...]

Sarge: All right, nice chatting with you, Lopez. Now, enough jokes. Get back to work polishing stuff. The stuff's not going to polish itself, you know?

Lopez: Todo el mundo aquí está en peligro. Tienes que escucharme.[Everyone here is in danger. You need to listen to me.] (Walks torwards the base)

Sarge: Haha! Well, okay, one last joke. But, that was it. Now seriously, back to work.

Donut: Hahaha! I just got that one, too. Boy, he really makes you think.

Grif: It's like he's saying what we're all thinking, but in Spanish.

Simmons: You guys are idiots. I'll show you who's likable and funny. And who people like. (Walks away)

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