Chapter 24- Why can't I..?

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(I swear I am on a roll with these uploads, I guess kicking off the relationship was all I needed to do to get myself writing.



IT'S CALLED "Checkmate"

Anyway's I hope you enjoy and I'll see you next time.


Percy's POV:

Damn it! I quickly coverd my neck with my hands and arms in an attempt to hide my hickeys.

We stood there for an entire minute, not breaking eye contact before Thalia started sprinting towards me.

I needed to run, go! I could eat ambrosia to heal the bruises and come back pretending like nothing happened!

But that wouldn't work! She would question me running in the first place and then me covering my neck. She would also believe her eyes more than my words!

Damn it! What was I supposed to do?!

While I was thinking of ways to avoid being caught, Thalia jumped straight into me.

I was caught off guard and fell to the floor, landing on a sharp rock.

I hissed in pain, the tiniest things always gave the most pain. (#papercuts)

I looked up and saw Thalia examining my neck. She let a sly grin slide to her face.

"So whose the lucky girl?" She grinned, helping me up.

I dusted myself off and thought of more ways to avoid answering.

At that moment, Chloe jumped into the conversation as well. More like on, she bashed into Artemis who also fell over. I laughed at them both, receiving a slap to the back of my head.

"Percy! Are you ok!? You have bruises all over your neck and bite marks!" She worried, her big eyes full of concern.

I smiled and ruffled her hair,

"It's fine, nothing you need to wor--"

"Someone bit his neck, lightly. It feels nice apparently and leaves bruises though. They're called hickeys." Thalia stated bluntly.

"Doesn't it hurt!? Who did it?!" She whisper shouted.

"Most likely his new girlfriend." Thalia shrugged, a grin making its way back to her face.

"So who is it?" They asked in synchronisation.

"Uhh, think! Think! Umm--"

"You might as well just tell us, it obvious your lying. Even if it's Aphrodite I wouldn't care." Thalia said, the grin still planted on her face.

"Didn't know you could be such a romantic." Artemis muttered.

"Ok, ok! I'll tell you! Just swear on the river Styx you won't tell anyone without my permission." I said, interrupting the staring contest with Artemis and Thalia, glancing at Artemis, nodding my head slightly.

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