Chapter 1- Betrayed

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(ok this is chapter 1 I'm excited, if you have any ideas comment. I do NOT own any of the Percy Jackson books Rick Riordan does. I hope people like this, I'll stop stalling.)

Percy pov:

I, Perseus Jackson, twice saviour of Olympus, was asking for death. Yeah I know, crazy. I should probably explain, not that it matters, but here is what happened in the past month or so...

I was going back to my cabin after the campfire, when I saw a guy limping to the dinning pavilion. At first, I was a bit confused, but then I began to notice his appearance. He had cuts all over his body, eye bags, ripped clothes, he seemed exhausted but his eyes were wide awake. He seemed to conscious because of the adrenaline in his body.

I quit staring and rushed to him with some nectar and ambrosia in hand. That was when he screamed and begged for me not to kill him. He even started kneeling down to my feet, when I yanked him up by grabbing the back colour of his shirt. I'm not an Olympian I didn't like being treated like that. He started screaming even louder and it was seriously annoying. I was gonna go deaf after a few more seconds of this. So, in my eyes, I thought stuffing ambrosia in his mouth would calm him down... Boy was I wrong.

He pulled a kitchen knife on me and attempted to stab me in my stomach, fortunately I had faster reflexes due to the years spent fighting monsters. he then proceeded to jump on me and push me to the floor. He attempted to stab me again and again. Although, he got me in my shoulder and on the right side of my stomach. Pain flared through me and adrenaline rushed into my arms, I pushed him back and he practically flew into a tree.

People must have heard the commotion and had weapons and hastily put on armour looking around in confusion untill they saw me get up and limp towards them. Lightning... Lightning struck me towards the river. The camps borders couldn't allow weather in unless Mr D wanted it, so it couldn't be Zeus and there was no children of Zeus here either. So it would have to have be a new camper...Crap.

I looked up and saw the kid looking at me breathing heavily with a thunderbolt above his head. Chiron at the same time walked out of the big house and saw the kid. He bowed immediately and said,

"All hail son of Lord Zeus, God of the sky!" Everyone kneeled except me. There was no way I was going to, not after he struck me with a lightning bolt. After they were done I was almost fully healed and this kid looked as if he were ready to pass out.

"Now, do you boys want to explain what happened" Chiron said raising and eyebrow.
"Well, I was going to my cabin and this kid was limping so when I ran up to him to give him some nectar and ambrosia. When he started screaming like a gi--" I said, until I was cut of by the kid.
"Now your lying, I didn't scream or limp I was completely fine, when you came here and started attacking me for no reason!"
"What the hell are yo--"
People started agreeing with him, What the hell! I was here for how many years?! This kid shows up just now and boom he's right and I'm wrong.
"Get out! LEAVE, YOU SICKO! HE DID NOTHING TO YOU." Someone for the Apollo cabin shouted.

It was unlike any of the Apollo kids to be so aggressive and for them to even turn on anyone.

That's how it started, I soon learnt that the kids name was Jake Mathew. Everyday I was bullied by my so call 'Friends', I was beaten, my empathy link cut, I was also blamed for trying to burn down the forest, I was apparently the one who ratted out the Stolls for a massive prank they were about to pull, and was the one who destroyed the Demeter cabins plants, even the seven blamed me for burning down Leo's latest project, ETC... I knew Jake was the one who did all of this but they seemed so certain that it wasn't him. I had no friends except Thalia and Nico both not at camp.

Will was by my side though, always healing me and protecting me from the others. He knew I wouldn't hurt them and so did everyone else, they used that to their advantage and threw stones at me.

Now your wondering ,"but Percy why didn't you just leave?" Well, my girlfriend Annabeth (the highlight of my day) had never had a proper home and I could never ask her to leave it for me.

I had been with Annabeth for 4 years and today was the day I was gonna propose. I had gone on quests for Athena's permission to marry her daughter and after a whole week, finally I was done. I had asked Annabeth to meet me at the beach at sunset and me being nervous I accidentally arrived an hour early, I just couldn't wait. I walked to the beach, the ring box in my pocket and was about to sit down when I head giggling from my left. I looked over to see Jakes face on the girls neck and the blonde hair girl giggling. They hadn't noticed me yet, I was about to leave when I heard Annabeths voice.

"When are you going to ditch that idiot, I'm here and I'm way better than him."Jake said, his annoying cocky voice caused my fist to clench.

"I know, I know. I'm doing it today, he invited me here in an hour so I'll break it to him then. Happy?"

He smirked,"Happy."

She grabbed his shoulder and slowly pushed him down and straddled him. She started rocking her hips, moaning and kissing him.

My heart shattered. The one person I loved, the one person I gave up everything for, God hood, Rachel, calypso, an island where I was free! I even fell in Tartarus for her and this is how she repays me!?

I stomped right up to her and shouted," This is how much you care, this is how you repay me after all these years!" Tears welling up in my eyes, my vision blurred as I looked down at Annabeths face, I could see shock written all over her. Jake, on the other hand, seemed overjoyed, grinning at me.

" I thought you were the one. I saw you in the river Styx, you pulled me out."--- tears freely falling down my face---"I gave god hood up for you, calypso offered me to stay on ogygia and get away from everything, but I left for you. I fell in Tartarus for you." My voice barley above a whisper.

I screamed at the top of my lungs,"WHAT HAVEN'T I DONE FOR YOU!"

"Percy, I'm sorry please, Percy I'm so sorry!" She begged, still straddling him. She was guilty, she realised her mistake, but I didn't care, why should I? If she cheated on me, then she should be happy with her new partner.

"No i'm sorry, I should never have been here." I said taking out the ring box and throwing it on the floor,"Happy anniversary Annabeth."

I ran to the beach and jumped, blasting myself away, hearing a faint voice saying,"Percy please I made a mistake".

Now that your caught up. I'll tell you what I'm doing now. its been two months since I left camp and I'm on my way to Olympus For 1 last request.

Poseidons pov:

Percy... Percy had apparently ruined the lives of everyone at camp. Then went off for a week to cheat on Annabeth. I know Percy, he is my son and I know that he would never do that to anyone. I refuse to believe what they say, his fatal flaw is loyalty. That speaks for itself.

As I was deep in thought sitting in my throne while the others argued about the usual "Men suck" and "I'm so hot" and "coke is better than Pepsi"...

All conversation stopped when we heard the sound of shoes clanking on the marble. Percy walked in and craned his neck to look at him.

"Hey dad..."

(Whoo, yay. First chapter done. I think 1282 is lot of words for a chapter, but I have a lot planned so bare with me. Tell me how you liked it, I'm not even sure people are gonna see this but... Anyway if you see this comment because... Uhh, why not? So see ya.

Word count: 1467)

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