Chapter 27- Stupid Party

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(Warm cookies are so nice.)

Artemis POV:

I waited for the hunters to finish eating before walking back to the cabin. I entered and saw Perseus attempting to read a book.

"What are doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" Perseus laughed, his eyes glaring at the book.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his sassy response.

"What's wrong?" I said, sitting next to him on the floor, leaning against the beds frame.

"I don't know how to read. Atleast not well. My dyslexia made it near impossible to read anything without it being Greek. I can barely read signs! Reading books is basically impossible."

I thought for a moment, he trusted me so much now. Him telling me he can't read without any hesitation made my heart swell in accomplishment.

"Becoming a god got rid of your dyslexia, so you can see the words properly now?"

"Yeah..?" He responded, unsure of where this was going.

"You know... Athena does run a godly collage."

He dropped the book and stared at me.


"Being a god gets really boring so she decided to open up a collage to teach the ignorant gods. We also have godly news that is basically a gossip page. Stuff like that which is is the human world also exists in ours."

"Wow... yeah I'll make sure to check her collage out... Wanna sleep?"

My face flushed red at the sudden question. The images of us making out flashed into my mind.

"Y-yeah sure." I said, desperately trying to cover up my stuttering voice.

He merely smiled in response, getting up, throwing off his hoodie and shirt. I could only stare at his body as he changed shirts.

He definitely knew what he was doing as he glanced at me staring and stopped what he was doing.

He bent down and gripped my waist and pulled me to my feet. I was so close to him I felt light headed. He didn't stop there. He lifted me up to eye level basically telling me to wrap my legs around his waist. I complied and he carried me to bed, using his powers to change clothes into a black pair of silk pyjamas. I did the same and flashed on my white, plain, cotton pyjamas.

He sat on the edge of the bed like it was a chair. My knees went to the outer sides of his thighs and I sat in between his legs. It would be difficult for a guy to do this position and even for some girls, but I was an experienced and athletic hunter not to mention a goddess. This stuff was child's play for me.

I stared at his face, a blush glazed over my cheeks, the soft light of the lamp sparsely coving the room in a dark shade of yellow.

His hands went around my waist, my breath hitched as I leaned forward. My hands went to the part of the mattress ahead of my knees making my back curve.

Perseus smirked and leaned forward, kissing me roughly. One of his hands played with the bottom of my shirt while the other traveled to my cheek.

Life Is OverRated Anyway (a Pertemis story)Where stories live. Discover now