Chapter 30- Punishment

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Perseus POV:

I rushed forward, the others following close behind me. Arty ran up beside me, her breathing somewhat steady.

"This is a horrible plan!" She said, her voice a little shaken from the steep terrain.

"All plans are horrible! They all fail so whats the point?" I replied, flapping my wings to give me an extra boost of speed, zooming out of the view of Arty and the others.

We neared half way and I skid stopped, we should have encountered them by now yet there was complete silence. Suddenly Ares jumped out of the trees. His weapon in hand. We had all agreed to ban Goldy weapons cause that would kill campers. So right now I just had a regular celestial bronze sword, which, as usual, felt wrong in my hands.

Ares jumped towards me, his sword swinging in a horizontal line. A feint. He wasn't putting any force into the attack. I put up my sword to 'block' the blow and Ares grinned. His sword stopped inches away from mine and he spun round, going to slice the other side of my unprotected face. I put up a lengthy dagger, blocking the attack with ease.

Just as I lifted my sword to attack while Ares was in an unstable position, an arrow shot down and almost hit my face straight on. Luckily, Arty managed to catch up just in time and deflected the arrow with one of her own.

While I was distracted, Ares attempted to knock me off my feet. I jumped over his legs and brought my sword down on him. It sliced a deep gash through his shoulder.

He grunted in pain, jumping backwards to recoup. Unfortunate for him, I wasn't so kind. I jumped forward, my hands moving in a blur as I pushed his blade away and cut him in a beautiful pattern. After I was done with said pattern, I disarmed him and headbutted him. He instantly passed out.

I looked down at his unconscious body and admired my work. The slashed drew a simple smiley face, nothing permanent, but funny nonetheless.

I heard a cry of pain and noticed that Artemis and Apollo were locked in a stalemate. They would never beat each other. They were too well matched. Their arrows met mid air, 50 arrows at a time. Apollos hands were steaming, as were Arty's. I walked up behind Apollo and leaned into whisper in his ear.

"Peekaboo." I smiled, covering his eyes.

A flurry of arrows imbeded themselves into him. He screamed, not from pain he was well used to that, but because of his loss.

"Thanks." Arty breathed, resting her hands on her knees.

Suddenly a bunch of campers emerged from the trees, they took one look at us, drenched in Ichor, before attempting to run.

I grinned, rushing forward, my sword twirling in my hands. My eyes widened as I felt a powerful presence, I was tackled to the floor. A small body pushing me down. Arty.

I quickly hoped up on my feet, carrying Artemis bridal style and gliding across the floor and turning my back to the knives and spear throws. Luckily my wings protected us both.

Artemis blushed a bit before telling me what to do.

"Throw me as hard as you can into the air, I'll shoot them giving you time to go and attack head first." She said, nocking an arrow in her bow.

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