Chapter 6- Can sleep

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(yeah so hi I'm here and this will be cool idk what I'm planning I just wing it so yeah.)

Artemis pov:

I turned my head towards the gods still golden head to toe. They all had gold cheeks from laughing and were stifling their chuckles. I looked at Perseus slowly backing away towards the exit of the throne room.

I walked up and sat on my throne as the rest of the gods sat down dragging Perseus along with them.

Perseus eyes were bloodshot and his face still perfect, his hands were galaxy purple, but otherwise he looked fine.

Though he did look uncomfortable in the middle and the gods noticed.

"Percy come here sit on the arm rest." Poseidon said.

"No, Percy come here, your my champion." Hestia demanded.

"Are you serious? Percy come here on my throne." Aphrodite said in a seductive tone.

Perseus had his hands together shaking uncontrollably. How could they be so blind, deaf and stupid, didn't they hear Oizys? He has anxiety!

I got up out my throne and walked towards Perseus careful not to step on him. His eyes were closed and his hands had started calming down. I picked him up with my hand as if he was a doll. I sat in my throne and put him on the armrest.

"You're a bunch of children, didn't you hear what Oizys said? His a-n-x-i-e-t-y?" I said slowly.

Perseus fell down sitting on my arm rest. I looked at him closer, he had bags under his eyes and was incredibly tired.

"Now what's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Ok number 1, what was he doing up? Number 2, I think I know why he's like that and number 3, tell me what happened from the beginning." Apollo said in steps.

Perseus, despite his condition, was still awake. He looked scared and not from the gods, from something else...

I started explaining from the beginning with me taking a walk, then seeing Perseus awake, him being suicidal, him falling and the rest they knew.

"Percy, why weren't you sleeping?" Aphrodite asked in a caring tone.

"I--I wasn't tired." He answered, I don't think anyone believed him.

"Percy don't lie. Why weren't you sleeping." She added charm speak.

I had the urge to tell her about my mind being clogged by Perseus, but I pushed it down.

Perseus head was beaded in sweat trying to resist Aphrodites charm speak.

"I... I can't... Sleep without..." He stopped, his wings wrapping around him. I could hear him say something inside but it was muffled. His wing unwrapped him and he was there covered in sweat, breathing heavily.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry." He said, eyes closed.

" I'm sorry to, I didn't want to do this." Aphrodite said, she closed her eyes and Perseus gasped. A few seconds later Aphrodite opened her eyes a grin spreading across her face.

Perseus tried to jump of my throne but my hand wrapped around him. He struggled against it but I wrapped my hand tighter around him. I looked at Aphrodite still grinning looking at Perseus hungrily.

"He can't sleep because he needs to cuddle, A pillow used to work but it was like it didn't want to be cuddled back. The Athena spawn cuddled with him but... u know. So whose gonna cuddle with him?" Aphrodite said excitedly.

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