Chapter 108: Harry's News

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   It was the next day after Nick, Harry and the rest of the boys had the battle of the bands style showdown. The rest of the night went smoothly. No one fought with each other. I was so relieved when I saw there was no animosity between Nick and his friends, and Harry and the rest of the gang. I cared about the all so dearly. I did not want to have to pick sides. 

   Nick and I were on our way to go have dinner with his family. But before that, we made last minute plans to have lunch with my parents. We pulled into my parents' drive way, and my mom opened the front door. Samson ran out and ran straight to me. He jumped up and began to give me kisses. 

"Down, boy," my mom told him, then pulled me into a hug.

"Hi, mom," I said, swaying back and forth with our arms intertwined. 

"Oh, I've missed you so much," she said, pulling away.

My dad pulled me into a hug and greeted Nick as well. As we're about to walk up the front porch steps, I hear someone begin to yell. We all look over to see Anne running out her house and down the steps. She runs with her arms wide open. As I look in the direction she's running, I see Harry walking up their driveway. 

"Oh, Harry," she says, pulling him in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

You can tell she squeezes him harder. I look behind him and see Shelly. Anne pulls away from Harry and hugs her gently. You can hear them introduce themselves. As Anne turns around and faces me, her eyes lighten up. 

"Oh, my. Alannah! You're home too?," she says, running into me and pulling me into a hug. 

She squeezes me as well. I look at Harry and at Shelly. Harry is laughing, while Shelly looks visibly jealous. 

"Come on over, we're about to have lunch. There's plenty of food for everyone," my mother says.

"Robin, come quick," Anne yells out.

We all begin to walk inside the house. Anne grabs my arm, then grabs Harry's arm, pulling us on each arm and into the house. 

   After we've all settled down, Robin and my father begin to grill outside. Nick joins the chat with them. Harry plays with Samson by the pool. Shelly looks very uncomfortable. My mom walks outside from inside the house with a bowl of chips.

"Alannah, honey, can you help bring out the fruit and veggie trays?," she tells me.

"I'll help you," Anne says.

We begin to make our way into the house when I hear my mom say, "Shelly, dear, please, make yourself at home."

Anne and I reach the kitchen. She stops in front of me at the kitchen counter. Flashing her bright smile, she gives me a mischeveous looks.

"Alright, missy. Let's see the ring," she tells me.

I pull up my hand and show her my engagement ring. She takes my hand in hers and looks closer.

"Well, he did a good job. Although, I would've thought it would've been a ring Harry gave you."

"Anne!," I say, laughing a bit.

She's always supported my relationship with Harry. After the night he broke up with me, she tried reaching out to me. Anne, Robin, and my parents always stayed friends through it. Harry's family has always felt like my second family. I begin to wonder if Nick's family will ever accept me like Anne and Robin have.

"They'll love you," Anne tells me, breaking me out of my train of thought.

"I hope so," I say nervously.

She pulls me into a hug. We grab the trays of food and take them outside. We place them on the table. The men begin to bring the food and drinks to the table. Everyone begins to take a seat. Once everyone takes a seat, Harry stands up.

"Uhm, I actually have an announcement to make," he begins.

I know exactly what news he's about to break. I look at Shelly and she's looking at me with a smirk. I can't help but feel like there's insincerity behind it. 

"Shelly and I are pregnant," he blurts out.

All eyes turn to him, then to me, then back at him. He sits down, and Shelly plants a kiss on his lips. It takes everyone a minute to take the news in, but after a bit, they all get up and congratulate them. 

"Oh, I can't wait to be a grandma," Anne says with tears of happiness in her eyes. 

I look back at Shelly, and she still has that smirk on her face. As if she's telling me 'I won'. 

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