Fame is Like Family Part 4

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"Oh shit he'll be here all week," she mumbled.


Next day ( Saturday)

Ryan, Justin, and Chaz had been playing video games all day. It wouldn't bug her but Justin had insisted that she cheated last night in Black Ops and wanted a rematch. But he had finally left her alone for an hour. She had locked herself in her room took a shower, blow dryer her hair, straighten it, put on makeup, and put on some cute clothes. It was her record time.

She walked downstairs to tell Ryan were she was going. The boys' eyes were all still glued to the TV. She was wearing short, short, short American Eagle Jean shorts, a plain orange shirt, and some flip-flops.

"Hey Ryan, I am going to see movie be back at ten," she said.

"Which movie?" he asked.

"Here's a hint I to see you all's ugly faces on the big screen," she said.

"Why are you seeing Justin's movie?" asked Chaz.

"Not my choice," she said.

"Hold up," Ryan said while pausing the game. Oh shit he knows what's going on she thought.

"What?" she asked.

"Which movie place?" he asked.

"The only one in town," she answered truly.

" Who are you going with?" he asked.

" Oh uh... just some girls... You know Sarah, Diana , Hannah, Anna and some other girls," she said nervously.

"Ok have fun," he said.

"Thanks see you at ten, my rides here," she said.

"Don't kiss any boys," Chaz yelled.

"I won't" she said.

"You know she's lying right?" asked Justin.

"Yeah, I know," Ryan sighed.

She closed the front door and opened the car door, wow that was a close one she thought she got into the car. Which had all the girls that she had told Ryan where going. Well expect for Alex which was good because she didn't really trust her and bad because she wouldn't be able to see if she had so called "Bieber Fever".

"Did your brother believe you Madison?" Sarah asked.

"I think so..." she said.

"Good," Sarah said. The rest of the way there the girls sang the songs on the radio and just had a good time. But Madison was too excited about her date. They got there to find Jo and the only boys waiting out front. They bought their tickets and found some seats. It was packed with girls with "Bieber Fever" so Jo and Madison had to sit a row behind the others.

"So have you seen the movie before?" asked Jo.

"Yep I went to the premier," she said.

"Oh cool," Jo said.

"Yeah I guess," she said. Just while they were talking three boys with their hoods up and sunglasses on walked up to the back row. She knew who they were. She held up one hand counting down from five. The figures quickly got up and made way for the exit.

After counting down to one, Madison stood up on her chair, pointed to the figures and screamed, "LOOK IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER AND HIS FRIENDS IN THE HOODIES OH MY GOD!!!"

She jumped down and into her seats while most every girl got up, screamed and ran after him. Leaving many guys behind dateless and glaring at Madison. But all of her friend where laughing. The movie soon started and well Jo made "The Move" and I am pretty sure you know what happened next.....

Sarah's mom drove them all home. Madison had given Jo a goodbye kiss before leaving to go home.

She opened the door and slammed it shut.

"So how was the movie Madison?" asked Chaz ( the jokester).

"Well you know how the previews were but some how some girl relieved that that stupid Justin Bieber and his friends; Ryan and Chaz where there so all the girls chased after him. Which was okay because that boy and I were the only ones left," she said happily.

"WHATTTTT!!!!!" Ryan screamed.

"OMG!!! Give me the dets gurrrrl," Chaz said while trying to act like a girl. This made her laugh.

"I would but my older brother around so that would be just awkward," she said before walking towards the kitchen.

"Hold up," Ryan yelled. He running after her and picked her and put her over her shoulder.

"So my little sis had her first kiss," he said.

"Who said it was my first?" she asked. Ryan almost dropped her then. But quickly regained his balance and set her down.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!" he asked.

"All I am saying is that I am fourteen do you really think that was my first kiss," she asked before running upstairs.

"Yes, Yes I do," he yelled up at her.


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