Fame Is Like Family Part 30

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Sorry if I hadn't uploaded it's exam time:( Studying hard

They were back at hotel. It was the next morning. Justin had to do a TV interview so everyone got up early to go with him. Well, everyone expect for Madison and Christian. Madison knew this was just another trick to set her up with Christian but she wanted to sleep in. Any second of sleep is like gold when you are on tour. So she stayed behind with Christian.

They were sitting on the couch in the living room editing their video. Their YouTube channel was extremely popular. Ten million people had already seen the first video. Some from people who hated Justin Bieber so they liked seeing him get hurt while others had "Bieber Fever" so they liked seeing well, basically anything with Justin in it.

They had just posted the video of the love game. The title was "You just can't prank team Chrisson." Chrisson was their team name it was Christian's idea not Madison's.

At the bottom of their channel they kept tracks of their points Team Chrisson had two while Team Justin and Friends had zero.

They had just finish editing the third video of Chaz, Christian, and Madison pretending to be Justin's back up dancers then uploaded it. It was really funny because of Justin having no idea what was going on.

Christian got up to get his camera, and set up it up for him answering questions, girls had asked on his YouTube account. Madison laid down on the couch and played with her IPhone.

"Hello YouTube world. I'm Christian, and that's Madison Butler," Christian said while turning the camera to show Madison.

She waved without looking up. "I am not answering any questions. I am just stuck at the hotel," Madison said.

"Oh right, we are in Madrid right now. Justin is doing a TV interview," Christian and then went on answering questions.

Madison was barley listening to Christian was saying because she already knew the answers. But one question popped out at her.

"Alright the next one. Are you and that Madison girl dating?" Christian read aloud. They had heard this questions many times before.

"I'll take this one Chris," Madison said while getting up. She put her arm around Christian.

She then said, " Christian and I are...." She said this while leaning in and acting like she was going for a kiss. Christian knew this was a joke but he was really going in for this kiss.

"Are NOT dating," she said while turning around just when Christian's and her lips were about to touch. She laughed at this, and Christian joined in. But on the inside Christian was crying because he has just really embrassed himself. Why did he have to be so in love with her? Why?

"I think you just gave some girl a heart attack," Christian said while still laughing fakley.

Madison was still laughing while looking at the rest of the question.

"Oh and I think I am going to throw up while saying this but neither are Chaz, and I or Justin and I," she said while acting sick. She read the last bit then pretended to throw up in a trashcan.

"Ok people do some research on me. Ryan and I are NOT EVER going out. He's my brother hits the last Butler. God I think I have to go throw up again," she said. She them ran out of the room and into her bedroom which she shared with Caitlin.

Christian cracked up.

"So that my friends, is Madison Butler," he said being witty.

"She's very odd isn't she," he whispered into the camera.

"I thought you would think so," he said.

"So yeah see ya'll late. Love you," He said while the camera a kiss.

A couple of things

1. I want to get to 600 VOTES in the next week. Please help me. I want to be a least a little pit close to a Watty award.

2. Book of the day is April's emotions

3. Do you hear about how the lady from CSI said Justin was a brat. True or false. I'll give you my answer if I get 20 comments.

4. If you voted on all the chapters of this book and sent me a private message saying you did. I might just give you a first look at my new story and well dedicate part of it to you ;).

5. What did you think of Madison's and Christian almost kiss?

(Poor Christian)

Remember I am going for a Watty Award so...

Comment, VOTE, fan etc.


if to don't have anything nice to say DON'T say anything at all. (No haters)

Sorry for asking for votes Promise I would ask next chapter

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