Fame Is Like Family Part 25

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"She can hear you because some people are bad whisperers. Oh and by the way she is not Justin Bieber's girlfriend," Madison said. She never turned around but she knew how shocked the girl's faces looked.

Christian smirked, no one ever stood up to Justin's fans like that. Most of them liked the attention. Or just ignored it but Madison would always stick up for herself. This girl was sure something different, and Christian liked it.

The girls behind then didn't say another word. Instead they sat there and whispered this time quite enough for Christian, and Madison not to hear. Madison knew they were talking about her though but she honestly didn't care.

She was bored so she looked over at Christian to talk to. But he was looking off into space in deep thought. She decided not to interrupt his thoughts so she put on her music, and starting playing Doodle Jump.

Christian was daydreaming. Not like daydreaming about Madison and how she's was so cute. No, he wasn't that type of guy.

He was wondering how he had never heard Chaz, or Ryan talk about her before. To be honest he thought that Chaz, and Ryan were both only kids. Why had they hidden her for so many years, and then just randomly decide to bring her on tour with them? It was a big mystery to him.

He woke up from his daydream to find Madison playing Doodle Jump.

"I bet you I can beat your high score," Christian said.

Madison smirked. She knew he was doing that bragging flirting thing that guys always do. But she fell for it anyway. Just for the fun of it.

"Alright, What's your high score?" she asked.

"One thousand," he said proudly.

She smirked while she showed him the score she just got; 2,134.

Yep she just showed him off. :)

"How did you do that?" Christian asked shocked.

"It's growing up with Ryan, Justin, and Chaz always playing video games at our house. You learn a few tricks," she said while smirking.

"Yeah like how to cheat," Christian mumbled.

"Oh you can wish that I cheat. Justin can tell you I am just the best at all video games," Madison bragged.

"Hey! I still want a rematch. I swear you did cheat," Justin said. Madison smirked. Christian sat there dumbfounded no one ever beats Justin.

"Oh you are just a swore loser," she said while kicking the back of Justin's chair.

"Nope you're just a cheater," Justin replied. Madison smirked she could tell he was still mad about that game. When he was mad like this it always made her laugh.

She looked over at Christian. He was still shocked that she had beat Justin at a video game. She laughed. Christian was totally impressed by her mad skills.

She kept on kicking Justin's chair, and went back to listening to her music.

"Would you stop that," Justin snapped. Madison had been kicking the back of his chair for ten minutes now.

"Not until you admit I rightfully won that game," she said.

"Alright you beat me. Now will you stop that?" Justin angry said.

"Sure," she said while smirking. She looked over at Christian and they both started laughing. Justin didn't see that Christian had recorded the whole thing.

Alright 25 VOTES this time

Team Justin or team Christian?

Remember I am going for a Watty award so.....

Comment, VOTE, fan etc.




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