Fame Is Like Family Part 34

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The first guard put Christian's hands behind his back and cuffed them. Christian knew what was going on, he was getting asserted. But for what? He hadn't done anything or least that’s what he thought...


“Excusez-moi gardes, mais pourquoi êtes-vous affirmer ce garçon?

(Excuse me guards, but why are you asserting this boy),” Madison asked in French while walking in front of the guard who was handcuffing Christian.


” Il s'est séparée de la tour. Ce qui est interdit ici. Il pourrait avoir obtenu loin de lui s'il n'avait pas versé sur le gardien-chef

(He spilt from the tower. That is forbidden here. He might have gotten away from it if he hadn’t spilt on the chief guard),” the guard answered to her.


“Existait-il un signe qui a dit pas de fractionnement ?

(Was there a sign that said no splitting?)” Madison asked while standing her ground.


“Oui (yes),” the guard said while trying to get around Madison.


“Était-il en anglais

(Was it in English),” asked Madison. She was not about to let that guard get around her.



 (No)” the guard replied as he gave up getting pass her.



“Il est un touriste américain stupide! Il ne pouvait pas lire le signe. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît laissez-le aller avec un thisa d'avertissement d'une heure? Je vous promets qu'il ne se reproduira pas

(He is a stupid American tourist! He couldn’t read the sign. Could you please just let him go with a warning this one time? I promise it will not happen again),” Madison begged while giving the guard the saddest face he had ever seen.


“Eh bien, puisque c'est un touriste américain stupide, je suppose que je peux mais je ne veux pas voir son visage ici pour une autre année. Vous me comprenez?

(well since he’s a stupid American tourist, I guess I can but I don’t want to see his face here for another year. You understand me?),” the guard said while letting Christian go.



“Oui, monsieur. Merci beaucoup. Je vous promets que vous ne voyez pas son visage pendant une longue période.

(Yes sir. Thank so much. I promise you will not see his face for a long time.),” Madison replied while grabinng Christians arm.


“Bon maintenant hâte et sortir d'ici

(Good now hurry and get out of here),” the guard commanded.

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