Fame is Like Family Part 8

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Sarah's mom dropped them off at the mall. They walked into it was Saturday so it was pretty crowded. Fairview Park Mall (real place)was always crowded anyways but today there seemed to be a lot of girls with Justin Bieber shirts on.

"Oh my gosh I heard Justin Bieber might be coming to the mall today. I know right," one girl said cheerfully into her cellphone. Sarah, and Madison looked at each and began to laugh. They shopped at some stores like Dynamite, Espirit, and penalty of some shops before stopping to eat at Famous Works to eat. All the Bieber fans must have got hungry because they were all eating. There was not a table in the food court. They finally found a booth to eat.

When they eating two girls looking came over, " Hey do you mind if we sit here?" asked one girl she had very dirty blonde hair, blueish gray eyes, and a Bieber shirt on while the other girl who was about an inch shorter had red hair, greenish blue eyes, and was also wearing Bieber shirt.

"Sure," Madison said. They sat on the other side of the booth.

"I'm Haley and she is Miranda," the red head said.

"This is Sarah and I am Madison," she said.

"Nice to meet you so are yous guys from around here," asked Miranda.

"Sattford," Sarah soon regretting it.

"Omg do you know Justin Bieber I heard he is visiting there right now," asked Haley. Madison hated how everyone thought you knew Justin if you were from there.

"Yeah sorta," Sarah said.

"What's he like?" asked Miranda asked egerly.

"He's just like any other stupid teenage guy," Madison said.

"JUST like any other?!? What are you like Chaz Somers' sister or something?" Haley asked. Miranda and Haley laughed and so did Madson and Sarah fakely.

"Wait are you?" Miranda asked.

"No haha no," she said.

"You act like you knew him," Miranda said.

"Oh no my brother; Brain is good friends with him," Madison said that was a close one.

"What about Ryan, and Justin," Haley asked.

"Oh they don't hang out my house more in Ryan's," she lied.

"Oh it's funny how your brother's name is Brian because it's so close to Ryan," Haley said.

"Oh we used to make jokes about that all the time," Madison said.

"My mom called we have to go," Sarah said.

"Oh ok nice meeting you all," Madsion said.

"You to," Miranda said.

They walked to the car and drove to Madison's house.

"Hey I am home," Madison yelled.

"Hey how was the mall?" Ryan asked when Sarah and Madison came into the living room.

"It was good but there were a bunch of your fans Justin," Madison said.

"There was?" asked Justin.

"Yep they all thought we were going there for some reason," she said.

Chaz walked into the room and said, "A girl named Haley called she has your phone she said she would bring to your house in a couple of minutes."

The door bell there was Haley. Oh no she had to find a way to hind Justin and fast!!

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You could end up like Haley and Miranda who got in this book.

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