Fame is Like Family Part 16

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Ten minutes till landing. Oh this will be fun Madison thought to herself. She was gonna pretend to be sick so she wouldn't have to come on tour but she knew Ryan wouldn't go if she didn't.

To be honest she was a little excited about it. But Chaz, and Ryan didn't need to know that.

She must have zoned because the next thing she heard was the ding of the Put on your setbelt button. She obeyed and got a piece of gum out to eat. Which Chaz snatched out of her hands and but it in his mouth.

"Hey!!" She yelled at him.

He just laughed and handed her a piece of his gum.

"But that was my gum," she cried.

"Oh here you want it back," Chaz said while taking it out of his mouth.

"Ewww no," she screamed. All the people around where now staring at them which made them laugh but then someone recognized Chaz.

"OMB aren't you Chaz Somers, Justin Bieber's best friend," said a girl who was around ten who sitting to the row to their left.

Madison was laughing at the look on Chaz's face and the way the girl said OMB.

"Yes,"Chaz said while wearing a fake smile.

"Would you sign my notebook?" the girl squeaked.

"Sure," Chaz said while signing it.

"Who's she?" the girl said in a bratty tone, while pointing at Madison.

"I'm Madison," Madison said.

"Oh I mean why are you siting with him," the little girl jealously asked.

"Because he's my friend," Madison said. She wad trying not to crack up but it was hard.

"Oh Are you visiting Justin Bieber?" the girl asked.

"Yep," Chaz said.

"I am going to his concert I have front row seats," she said.

"Cool I guess I'll see you there," Chaz said.

"Yeah I want gonna be the OLLG, well at least I want to be," she said. This made Maduson crack up she couldn't help it. The little girl glared at her.

But luckily the plane landed.

"Oh Chaz I thinks she's a keeper," Madison mumbled as they got off the plane. Chaz gave her a play full shove. Then she shoved him back.

"Hey!" Ryan yelled. While catching up to Chaz, and Madison.

"What? Are you trying to leave?" asked Ryan.

"Yep," Madison replied. Ryan put on his sunglasses and pulled his and Chaz's hoods over their heads. Then he put Madison in a headlock while he kept walking.

"Hey," Madison yelped.

"Oh you know you love me," Ryan said.

"I know you know care," Chaz said jokingly. Ryan, and Chaz started cracking up.

"Oh I don't really love you," Madison said jokingly. But Ryan, and Chaz were still singing quietly.

"Guys you're grabbing us attenion," she muttered. She was right people all around them were stopping and staring.

"Sorry," Ryan and Chaz said in union. Ryan let go of Madison. They both stopped singing.

"Where's justi... Um.. I mean our ride," Madison said.

"There should be a guy with a sign that saids Biga Butt," Ryan said, while looking at his phone for the answer. This made Chaz crack up.

"Alright, who came up with the name," Madison said while looking at Chaz.

"Why are you looking at me? Justin thought of it," Chaz said.

"Of corse, who's saying their name is that?" Madison said while both Chaz, and Madison both looked at Ryan.

"Why are you looking at me?" Ryan asked.

Chaz, and Madison smiled as they saw the sign. They pushed Ryan forward.

Madison started recording this on her phone. Chaz was laughing because Ryan didn't notice.

"Hey my name is Biga Butt," Ryan said with a serious face on.

"Oh really so this isn't a joke your friends dared you to," asked the driver.

"Nope, it's my real name here's my I.D." he said while taking out his driver license.

"Oh I am sorry Mr. Butts," said the driver.

"Oh please call him Bigga," Chaz said with a proper English ascent.

Madison imminently hid her phone so Ryan couldn't see she recorded it (it could be good blackmail).

The driver took them to the limo. Because of the crazy fans Justin was waiting. Ryan gave Madison a look that said behave or I'll kill you. She gave him an innocent look and hopped in the limo.

"Hey," Justin said with a huge smile. Madison gave him a little smirk of knowledge.

"What's up Jb?!?" Chaz said in one on those deep voices. They high-fived each other.

"Chaz!!" Justin happily said.

"Ryan!!" Justin, Chaz, and Madison screamed in unison. It was one of those jokes that they had dome since forever. Yet it always made Ryan smile. They headed to Justin's house which was a hour drive from the airport. It was a LONG ride.

LISTEN UP I am having THREE CONTESTS!!!! ( That's a record I think)

1. Make me a cover for my story and I will dedicate a chapter after you (Or maybe another something)!

2. Guess where I live and if you get it right I'll make you a main character in my next story

3. Leave your name and what you look like and you might end up in this story

All may enter but few will win

Good luck;)

Comment, Fan, Vote Etc.

<3 Jodie

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